
Jul 11, 2010
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:(Had a bit of a problem last night my hard drive packed up and lost all my saved emails which had all my including my passwords and licence numbers for software. I could have picked up the PC and thrown it through the window (if I had the strength). So after walking the dogs this morning it was down to replacing the hard drive (I had a spare) and rebuilding Windows 7. I didn't realise how many updates there were seems nearly as many as XP. So am back on line, back crunching but until I contact my Internet provider no email:cry:, so far it has taken me until now to finishing all the updates only interupted with dogs evening walk. Phew:thumb:
Sorry to hear that, it is a very painful process indeed to get back on track. :(

I see that you had a spare drive but not sure why you did not use it to create a backup image on, that way you would not have to go through the hassle. Am I missing something? :confused:
:confused:No I am missing something, I have a ghost coppy on an external drive, but I couldent get it to trsansfer, pilot error I think. eventualy I reasoned that it would be easier and quicker to carry out a full format and start from scratch. Easier on the nerves, just. :cry:
Is the old driver proper dead ? As in does it spin up at least / YOu could try sticking it in a caddy or as a second drive and use something like Recuva to see if you could recover anything. Worth giving it a go.
:cry: No it is dead as a dodo, and I took my anger out on it with a club hammer so no chance there. :mad: