Cat3.5 scores (9700 pro)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roger Squires
  • Start date Start date
I just noticed a questionable result in 3dmark2001SE.

There is a (231fps-141fps)/141fps = 64% gain in the bumpmapping score from
Cat3.4 to Cat3.5. Looks like a cheat to me, but what do I know :) Can
anyone else confirm this?

I just noticed a questionable result in 3dmark2001SE.

There is a (231fps-141fps)/141fps = 64% gain in the
bumpmapping score from Cat3.4 to Cat3.5. Looks like a
cheat to me, but what do I know :) Can anyone else
confirm this?


No idea on that but they have removed one 'optimization'

"The 3DMark2003 shader optimizations found in previous CATALYST™
releases have been removed"
Ok, I hear elsewhere that all nforce2 boards had this low Cat3.4 result,
which apparently has been fixed in Cat3.5.

I want to know if companies I have or am considering giving money to are
lying to me. Here's a good article with an ATI rep's thoughts on benchmark


I think you're pointless because first off I don't recall where they
ever advertise any benchmarks. Second off, both ATI and NVidia have
plenty of history of inserting code to fudge the benchmarks. So where
you going to run to on that? Matrox Parsmella?