Cat3.5 Install hell!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Laurence Wilmer
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Laurence Wilmer

Had a few problems with cat3.1, so as all advice is to try the latest, I

Uninstalled everything, cleaned out all ATI files in safe mode, cleared out
all reg entries.

Noticed ATI have a 'package' of WDM, display and Control Panel
so downloaded and installed that. Chaos! - it is ONLY display driver, no WDM
or CP - easily checked as it is the same size as display driver only.

Ok, went back and cleaned my system again.
Installed WDM, display, CP, Windows Media Encoder, DAO/MDAC - all going

DVD - my CD verified OK, but the download constantly fails with "Download
failed error 0x800C0006"

OK, lets go MMC without DVD - MMC install fails with a fatal error 1603 and
message about "To run a silent install..." . I wasn't trying to run a silent
install dammit!

Display driver and Control Panel seem OK, issues with Cat 3.1 resolved OK,
but where do I go from here? I am happy to use PowerDVD, but would like my
TV apps back. Can I try an earlier MMC with latest display drivers?
Suggestions please,

(Radeon AIW 9000, W98SE)
Laurence Wilmer said:
Had a few problems with cat3.1, so as all advice is to try the latest, I

Uninstalled everything, cleaned out all ATI files in safe mode, cleared out
all reg entries.

Noticed ATI have a 'package' of WDM, display and Control Panel
so downloaded and installed that. Chaos! - it is ONLY display driver, no WDM
or CP - easily checked as it is the same size as display driver only.

Ok, went back and cleaned my system again.
Installed WDM, display, CP, Windows Media Encoder, DAO/MDAC - all going

DVD - my CD verified OK, but the download constantly fails with "Download
failed error 0x800C0006"

OK, lets go MMC without DVD - MMC install fails with a fatal error 1603 and
message about "To run a silent install..." . I wasn't trying to run a silent
install dammit!

Display driver and Control Panel seem OK, issues with Cat 3.1 resolved OK,
but where do I go from here? I am happy to use PowerDVD, but would like my
TV apps back. Can I try an earlier MMC with latest display drivers?
Suggestions please,

(Radeon AIW 9000, W98SE)
Which MMC 8.x were you actually trying to load, Laurence? And why not try
to load MMC/ DVD 8.1 from the CD?

Incidentally, it's possible you may be having problems with your
InstallShield installation - try here:
Some of the stuff I dled here helped my installing no end.

patrickp said:
Which MMC 8.x were you actually trying to load, Laurence? And why not try
to load MMC/ DVD 8.1 from the CD?

Incidentally, it's possible you may be having problems with your
InstallShield installation - try here:
Some of the stuff I dled here helped my installing no end.

I was trying to use all of Cat3.5, so MMC8.5
I thought I had read dire warnings about mixing files from different Cat

Part of the trouble, I have found, is that ATI have changed the Cat3.5 page
since I downloaded, printed and read all the install docs. They now have a
different version of the DVD installer - so that now does the downloading
bit, but quite with the same error messages when I try to install.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try MMC from the CD, and that download
I wish I had taken a Ghost backup after cleaning out all the ATI stuff, then
I could just keep reloading that and retrying Cat3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2 etc etc.
(oh, and all the Omegas)

Isn't ATI computing a richly rewarding activity?

Which MMC 8.x were you actually trying to load, Laurence? And why not try
to load MMC/ DVD 8.1 from the CD?
I just tried and the CD won't let me deselect the display driver in order to
install just MMC. I rather wanted to keep the 3.5 display as it has fixed a
few probe with 3.1

Lenroc said:

Q3: What operating systems support MMC 8.5?

A3: MMC 8.5 runs on Windows® XP, Windows® 2000, and Windows® ME. In addition,
Microsoft® DirectX® 9 is recommended.

Guess you're out of luck. Unless you can upgrade you 98sE box to at least

Thanks for saving me from banging my head against a brick wall - I wasn't
enjoying it!

Am I pleased with ATI for providing links right through their drivers pages
to software updates for W98SE, only saying "by the way it won't work" in
the FAQ?

They've just changed it, then - before buying this ATI AIW card, I googled,
read reviews, read ATI's website and lurked in this group, NOWHERE did I see
"*WARNING* ME and later required in order to update software. DO NOT BUY
this card if you want to stay with W98".

I like 98, it plays all my old DOS games as well as the latest stuff.

Many thanks to this group for its help - without it, ATI would be dead in
the water.

Laurence Wilmer said:
I wish I had taken a Ghost backup after cleaning out all the ATI stuff, then
I could just keep reloading that and retrying Cat3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2 etc etc.
(oh, and all the Omegas)

Isn't ATI computing a richly rewarding activity?


Two words: System Restore!
Laurence Wilmer said:
I was trying to use all of Cat3.5, so MMC8.5
I thought I had read dire warnings about mixing files from different Cat

Part of the trouble, I have found, is that ATI have changed the Cat3.5 page
since I downloaded, printed and read all the install docs. They now have a
different version of the DVD installer - so that now does the downloading
bit, but quite with the same error messages when I try to install.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try MMC from the CD, and that download
I wish I had taken a Ghost backup after cleaning out all the ATI stuff, then
I could just keep reloading that and retrying Cat3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2 etc etc.
(oh, and all the Omegas)

Isn't ATI computing a richly rewarding activity?

Laurence, I think the references to not mixing different Catalyst parts
refers to the capture & display drivers and the control panel. I'm running
MMC 8.1 pretty happily with the Cat 3.5 drivers - I agree with you, I've
found that 3.5 is the first Catalyst suite since the original Cat 3.0
display + control panel release that's worked without issues for me - and
works very well, too.

AFAIK all the 8.x DVD installs have involved a wizard that checks your CD
and then downloads the DVD player for you. It's the older 7.7 DVD and
before that you could download, but then needed the CD to install. They're
trying to make it more secure, I suppose.

MMC 8.5 TV wouldn't work for me, although the rest of it did. But 8.1 does
me fine: I saw a post from an ATi person in one of the Rage3D threads which
said that the major difference between MMC 8.1 and 8.5 is EazyLook. Since I
don't have the remote and don't particularly want it, 8.1 is fine for me.
I've also seen several posts linking the use of the TV app in 8.5 to very
high CPU usage, and I suspect EazyLook is involved. In fact, one guy posted
saying that he got the increased CPU usage with Cat 3.5 but not with 3.1, so
there must be something wrong with 3.5. When I said that I thought the CPU
usage might be linked to EazyLook and that EazyLook might be functional with
3.5 but not with 3.1, he wouldn't have it. However, I've learned from a
post by that same ATi person that 3.5 _is_ in fact the first Cat release
that EazyLook will work with.

Laurence Wilmer said:
That's why I'm not touching it. 98SE was an upgrade to 98 was an upgrade to
95 was an upgrade to 311.
But ME was an interim bodge and XP a whole new concept that I don't want to
get into yet!

All ATI had to do, having put out new software that worked on ME but not on
98, was to separate 98 and ME on their driver upgrade links.
But then people with 98 would not have seen re-assuring driver upgrade
links, and might not have bought ATI.
Actually, the answer to Question 4 of that same FAQ was "For Windows® 9X/SE
users, MMC 8.5 will run using the Windows® ME drivers. However, support for
capturing WMV9 content is not provided by Microsoft for Windows® 9X/SE." As
with all the other Catalyst stuff.

But I agree with you, Laurence, I like 98SE, too. My next box will be a
more recent OS, I guess, but I'll keep this one. Works for me.

Actually, the answer to Question 4 of that same FAQ was "For Windows® 9X/SE
users, MMC 8.5 will run using the Windows® ME drivers. However, support for
capturing WMV9 content is not provided by Microsoft for Windows® 9X/SE." As
with all the other Catalyst stuff.


Well, y'know, you can't actually expect me to -read- the whole source of
where I get my info from, right?
patrickp said:
Actually, the answer to Question 4 of that same FAQ was "For Windows® 9X/SE
users, MMC 8.5 will run using the Windows® ME drivers. However, support for
capturing WMV9 content is not provided by Microsoft for Windows® 9X/SE." As
with all the other Catalyst stuff.

But I agree with you, Laurence, I like 98SE, too. My next box will be a
more recent OS, I guess, but I'll keep this one. Works for me.


"MMC 8.5 will run using the Windows® ME drivers. However, support for
capturing WMV9 content... sounds like "without a phase transducer you will
be unable to align warp coils, you can use a sonic screwdriver but someone
else won't help" technobabble to me, and is about as informative.

Whether or not it means that MMC 8.5 ought to install and run under W98SE I
no longer care, as I have given up. This dead horse will respond to no more

Re W98 box, a computer is a tool for doing what I want. Messing it about so
it no longer does this is no upgrade, right?

Tim Miser said:
Two words: System Restore!
No, one word - Ghost.
But I have to have made a Ghost backup in order to restore it - there is no
System restore on W98.
Laurence Wilmer said:
No, one word - Ghost.
But I have to have made a Ghost backup in order to restore it - there is no
System restore on W98.
Laurence, you can export your whole registry (i.e. make a backup) with
regedit. Also, as I recall, if you boot to DOS and type <scanregw /restore>
(I think - long time since I've done it) you will be given the option of
rolling back to the last 4 or 6 times (again, can't remember) you booted

Please, if I've got the details wrong, someone correct me. As I said, it's
a long time since I last used that facility.
