Bob Cronin
For what its worth.
For what its worth.
The install instructions used to be to uninstall the Catalyst and the
display driver and then install. It seems ATI has changed the
instructions and now want you to uninstall all the ATI stuff first. I
wonder if it is worth all this bother?
BD said:I've been using this 'cat-uninstall.exe' thingy I got from their site
awhile back. Not sure if it's still recommended, but I did use it
recently against 6.6...
Barry said:.Net 2 is a totally different piece of software from .Net 1.x. It is
not an upgrade or a replacement, and any given software package that
uses .Net uses either version 1 or version 2 (and, because of this,
many computers will need to have both .Net version 1 and .Net version
2 installed).
Consequently I am curious about your comment that "Just installed .net
2.0 also, as suggested by this new driver update."
As I understand it, either .Net version 2 is required for a given
application, or if it's not required, then installing it does nothing
at all as far as that particular application is concerned.
I've installed the last 3 updates without uninstalling the old one, I don't notice anything wrong. Maybe I just don't see
anything and everything is screwed up?
Hope this update helps my game play. I got a really strange thing going on in Oblivion that keeps me scratching my head.
McGruff said:I've got a AGP X850 XT.
When I install this new 6.7 version, it hangs on the ATI WDM install.
Specifically the IKernel.exe program.