I have a passively cooled R9800pro using Zalman ZM80A cooler. After
upgrading to 3.9 driver from 3.7 and doing one hour of work in desktop
(no game playing) the machine hard locked. It stayed locked for about
3 minutes and refused to boot even after power down/up. Then it
finally booted only to work for another 20 minutes before another hard
lock. It was clear to me something was overheating and needed to cool
down before the machine booted normally. I recalled reading about
dynamic overclocking feature of 3.8/3.9 drivers and reinstalled 3.7.
No wonder the lockups are gone now. ATI really screwed this up. They
overclock their cards which can result in fried GPUs for people who
have tested their alternative cooling setups with prior driver
releases. If anybody from ATI is reading this, could you please
disable this hidden overclocking feature or at least make it an
install-time or run-time option? Thank you.
upgrading to 3.9 driver from 3.7 and doing one hour of work in desktop
(no game playing) the machine hard locked. It stayed locked for about
3 minutes and refused to boot even after power down/up. Then it
finally booted only to work for another 20 minutes before another hard
lock. It was clear to me something was overheating and needed to cool
down before the machine booted normally. I recalled reading about
dynamic overclocking feature of 3.8/3.9 drivers and reinstalled 3.7.
No wonder the lockups are gone now. ATI really screwed this up. They
overclock their cards which can result in fried GPUs for people who
have tested their alternative cooling setups with prior driver
releases. If anybody from ATI is reading this, could you please
disable this hidden overclocking feature or at least make it an
install-time or run-time option? Thank you.