J. Muenchbourg
I'm trying to install the Cassini WebServer on my Windows xp with .net
framework, but the below instructions to get the webserver running after
downloading the .exe doesnot make any sense at all:
Go to the directory containing the above files (setup to use c# compiler
and gacutil utility). Run 'build.bat', it will:
* compile Cassini.dll assembly
* add Cassini.dll assembly into Global Assembly Cache
* compile CassiniWebServer.exe web server application
Run the web server using 'CassiniWebServer <physical-path> <port>
For example:
CassiniWebServer c:\ 80 /
Even "running" the build.bat file (by clicking on it) doesnt do
framework, but the below instructions to get the webserver running after
downloading the .exe doesnot make any sense at all:
Go to the directory containing the above files (setup to use c# compiler
and gacutil utility). Run 'build.bat', it will:
* compile Cassini.dll assembly
* add Cassini.dll assembly into Global Assembly Cache
* compile CassiniWebServer.exe web server application
Run the web server using 'CassiniWebServer <physical-path> <port>
For example:
CassiniWebServer c:\ 80 /
Even "running" the build.bat file (by clicking on it) doesnt do