Cash Machine Fraud


Feb 23, 2002
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It seems every single cash machine that I normally use is a target for those card skimming machines. Every month or so the machine is closed down because someone has been tampering with it, and they are covered in warnings about suspicious devices.

Has anyone here been caught by one of these sneaky things?

The problem is that they have obviously added anti-vandal things onto the machines now, but because the layout has changed I'm always a bit suspicious. :wall:
Only skimming going on up here in the lakes is stone skimming at the lakeside .

There was quite an "outbreak" of card skimming in this area last year, so there were lots of warnings being issued over the local News, advising one to be careful. But as Ian says, it is not always that easy to detect the "security measures" from the suspicious devices :rolleyes:

We mostly tend to use the "cashback" facility offered by various supermarkets in the area. It's useful, providing you don't need to draw more than £50. :nod:
The cashpoint machines i use are both covered by CCTV, But only as both have been hit before.
It's always a worry using a machine now. I try, if possible, to use one that is in a bank or shop, hoping that is less likely that anyone would try to fit a device in such a public area. I've become quite paranoid about typing in my PIN, using one hand to type and the other to cover all the buttons. I'm sure my antics make me look very suspicious. :D