i recently swapped my computer from one case too another and seem too have
lost my CD/DvD drive functionality...... It no longer reads anything nor
appears on the my computer window. When i insert a disc i do get a loading
icon beside my cursor but other than that nothing. any workarounds too this
problem? I may have damages the mobo during the install as i have no sound
now as well.
Computer specs:
Asus A8n Sli Deluxe
Amd Anthlon 64x2 4200 @ 2.21 GHz
1 gig of ram
2 x Nvidia 7600 Gt in sli
The no sound thing forces me too buy a sound card. I'm not too worried about
any useful responses are apreciated
lost my CD/DvD drive functionality...... It no longer reads anything nor
appears on the my computer window. When i insert a disc i do get a loading
icon beside my cursor but other than that nothing. any workarounds too this
problem? I may have damages the mobo during the install as i have no sound
now as well.
Computer specs:
Asus A8n Sli Deluxe
Amd Anthlon 64x2 4200 @ 2.21 GHz
1 gig of ram
2 x Nvidia 7600 Gt in sli
The no sound thing forces me too buy a sound card. I'm not too worried about
any useful responses are apreciated