Case Statement Format for getting cell value from a worksheet

  • Thread starter Thread starter George
  • Start date Start date


Good Afternoon,

I need to create a series of Case conditions based on the value of a cell on
a certain worksheet in my open workbook..For the life of me I cannot get the
syntax right and I'd appreciate any help i could get.

My condition is on a worksheet named "Lookup_Values" Cell "M3" is a value
used as a case condition. what I want to do is retrive that value and use it
to compare against each case like below.

RPT_Date = ("Lookup_Values!M3")

Select Case True
Case RPT_Date = "January"
Perform my actrions
Exit Sub

Case RPT_Date = "Febuary"
Perform my actrions
Exit Sub
End Select

I appreciate any help in showing me the error of my ways, and again Thank
You in advance.

Look at your other post

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the