Case statement comparing two ranges

  • Thread starter Thread starter Newman Emanouel
  • Start date Start date

Newman Emanouel

Dear All

I have writtent some code but I belive I have done it the long way and think
there is a much simpler way of doing things. I am trying to compare two
ranges in a case statement. Below is the code, can anyone help with reducing
the code required or a more efficient way of doing it



Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngData As Range, rngCell As Range
Dim Wday1data As Range, Wday1Cell As Range
Dim icolor As Integer
Dim WrkDays As Date
Dim StartDate As Date
Dim Enddate As Date
Dim Day1 As Integer

Dim icolor2 As Integer
Dim icolor3 As Integer
Dim icolor4 As Integer
Dim icolor5 As Integer
Dim icolor6 As Integer
Dim icolor7 As Integer
Dim icolor8 As Integer
Dim icolor9 As Integer
Dim icolor10 As Integer
Dim icolor11 As Integer

icolor2 = 43
icolor3 = 13
icolor4 = 39
icolor5 = 36
icolor6 = 45
icolor7 = 33
icolor8 = 22
icolor9 = 35
icolor10 = 23
icolor11 = 43

'Dim Wday1data As Range, Wday1Cell As Range

StartDate = "01/01/2010"
'DateAdd("D", -1# * DatePart("D", Today) + 1, Today)
Enddate = WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(StartDate, Day1)

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Calendar")
Set rngData = .Range("B5:X55")
Set Wday1data = .Range("AE5:AP5")

End With
'define the data range to evaluate

For Each rngCell In rngData
Select Case rngCell.Value

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Af2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Af3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Af4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AF5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AF6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AF7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AF8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AF9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AF10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AF11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ag2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ag3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ag4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ag5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ag6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ag7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ag8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ag9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ag10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ag11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ah2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ah3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ah4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ah5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ah6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ah7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ah8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ah9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ah10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ah11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ai2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ai3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ai4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ai5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ai6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ai7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ai8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ai9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ai10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ai11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Aj2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Aj3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Aj4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("aj5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("aj6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("aj7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("aj8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("aj9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("aj10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("aj11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ak2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ak3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ak4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ak5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ak6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ak7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ak8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ak9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ak10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ak11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Al2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Al3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Al4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("al5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("al6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("al7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("al8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("al9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("al10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("al11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Am2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Am3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Am4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("am5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("am6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("am7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("am8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("am9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("am10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("am11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("An2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("An3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("An4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("an5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("an6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("an7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("an8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("an9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("an10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("an11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ao2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ao3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ao4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ao5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ao6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ao7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ao8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ao9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ao10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ao11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ap2").Value: icolor = icolor2
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ap3").Value: icolor = icolor3
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("Ap4").Value: icolor = icolor4
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ap5").Value: icolor = icolor5
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ap6").Value: icolor = icolor6
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ap7").Value: icolor = icolor7
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ap8").Value: icolor = icolor8
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ap9").Value: icolor = icolor9
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ap10").Value: icolor = icolor10
Case Worksheets("Calendar").Range("ap11").Value: icolor = icolor11

Case Else: icolor = xlColorIndexNone
End Select
rngCell.Interior.ColorIndex = icolor
Next rngCell
End Sub
I don't really know what you are trying to do, and somehow suspect what you
are doing isn't quite it. Eg, I doubt you want all that code to run whenever
some random cell on the sheet changes (you don't refer to Target at all).
However, hopefully the following should replicate your code more efficiently
(but I haven't tested so double check)

Option Explicit
Private mArrClrIdx(0 To 11) As Long

Sub PopClrArray()
PopClrArray(0) = -1 ' to show the array has been populated
mArrClrIdx(2) = 43 ' icolor2 etc
mArrClrIdx(3) = 13
mArrClrIdx(4) = 39
mArrClrIdx(5) = 36
mArrClrIdx(6) = 45
mArrClrIdx(7) = 33
mArrClrIdx(8) = 22
mArrClrIdx(9) = 35
mArrClrIdx(10) = 23
mArrClrIdx(11) = 43
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngData As Range, rngCell As Range
Dim Wday1data As Range, Wday1Cell As Range
Dim icolor As Long 'Integer
Dim WrkDays As Date
Dim StartDate As Date
Dim Enddate As Date
Dim Day1 As Long ' Integer

Dim rw As Long, col As Long
Dim vVal As Variant
Dim rngLookAt As Range

If mArrClrIdx(0) = 0 Then PopClrArray

'Dim Wday1data As Range, Wday1Cell As Range

StartDate = "01/01/2010"
'DateAdd("D", -1# * DatePart("D", Today) + 1, Today)
Enddate = WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(StartDate, Day1)

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Calendar")
Set rngData = .Range("B5:X55")
Set Wday1data = .Range("AE5:AP5")

End With
'define the data range to evaluate

Set rngLookAt = Worksheets("Calendar").Range("AE2:AP11")

For Each rngCell In rngData
vVal = rngCell.Value
icolor = -1

For col = 1 To 11 ' ie AE to AP
For rw = 1 To 10 ' ie 2 to 11

If rngLookAt(rw, col).Value = vVal Then
icolor = mArrClrIdx(rw + 1) ' note the +1
Exit For
End If

Next ' rw
If icolor > -1 Then Exit For
Next ' col

If icolor = -1 Then icolor = xlColorIndexNone

' only reformat if necessary
With rngCell.Interior
If .ColorIndex <> icolor Then .ColorIndex = icolor
End If

Next rngCell

End Sub

BTW, if ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Calendar") is refers to the same worksheet
as the sheet module containing this code, there's no need to qualify the
sheet. In a sheet module Range("A1") will always refer to A1 in its own

Peter T

Thanks the code looks good but has a End IF Block If Error which I have
tried various combinations and I cannot solve.

The purpose of the code is tohighlight colours on a calendar. I have created
a calendar sheet and then have a list of key dates in the Range("AE5:AP5")
these dates are by month which is why I tried Case but it has limitations. I
think if you can help solve the error above it should do what I need it to so
a lot more efficiently



There were two typos I'm afraid -
With rngCell.Interior
If .ColorIndex <> icolor Then .ColorIndex = icolor
End If

should read

With rngCell.Interior
If .ColorIndex <> icolor Then .ColorIndex = icolor
End With

ie change if to with

Sub PopClrArray()
PopClrArray(0) = -1 ' to show the array has been populated
mArrClrIdx(2) = 43 ' icolor2 etc

should read

Sub PopClrArray()
mArrClrIdx(0) = -1 ' to show the array has been populated
mArrClrIdx(2) = 43 ' icolor2 etc

(not sure how that one crept in!)

If(?) the code goes behind your sheet named "Calendar" I'm almost sure you
only need the code to run unless the target includes one of the cells your
code either changes or looks at. If so start with

If Intersect(Range("B5:X55,AE5:AP5"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If

My guess is also you only want to process changinged cells within that
range. Beyond that I can't make sense of the logic.

A minor thing, if the code is in "Calendar" you can change

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Calendar")
Set rngData = .Range("B5:X55")
Set Wday1data = .Range("AE5:AP5")
End With

to simply

Set rngData = Range("B5:X55")
Set Wday1data = Range("AE5:AP5")

Peter T

Thanks it works well



Peter T said:
There were two typos I'm afraid -

should read

With rngCell.Interior
If .ColorIndex <> icolor Then .ColorIndex = icolor
End With

ie change if to with

should read

Sub PopClrArray()
mArrClrIdx(0) = -1 ' to show the array has been populated
mArrClrIdx(2) = 43 ' icolor2 etc

(not sure how that one crept in!)

If(?) the code goes behind your sheet named "Calendar" I'm almost sure you
only need the code to run unless the target includes one of the cells your
code either changes or looks at. If so start with

If Intersect(Range("B5:X55,AE5:AP5"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If

My guess is also you only want to process changinged cells within that
range. Beyond that I can't make sense of the logic.

A minor thing, if the code is in "Calendar" you can change

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Calendar")
Set rngData = .Range("B5:X55")
Set Wday1data = .Range("AE5:AP5")
End With

to simply

Set rngData = Range("B5:X55")
Set Wday1data = Range("AE5:AP5")

Peter T