Case Speaker No Longer Gives A Beep At Start Up


Oct 26, 2006
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Hi all,

I'm new to the site and only just come across it tonight, and ain't I glad I did, my problem is that I've just nearly finished building my own system and originally I bought a Celeron 2.4Ghz CPU (478 socket), and with the rest of my other components that make up my system the Case speaker gave a single beep to indicate things were fine every time at start up, but yestaday I installed a new P4 3.2Ghz 800 FSB (Prescott core) CPU, and now when I turn on the case the Speaker doesn't give any beeps, The Hard Disk Drive was only added recently too but I E-mailed the team at CUSTOM PC magazine and Gareth Ogden (Editor of the Magazine) got back to me to say that even though my motherboard only has SATA I (1) Controllers it can still use SATA II (2) Hard drives but it will just run in SATA I (1) mode (Phew)

The configuration I have exactly is below if anyone can help me

CPU: P4 3.2Ghz HT enabled 800FSB 1Mb L2 cache Prescott core

Motherboard: ASUS P4C800-E DELUXE

HSF: Gigabyte 3D Cooler-Pro (Copper base)

Graphics: ASUS Gefore FX 5700 AGP 8x (Advantage of being a Pro AGP slot)

PSU: ANTEC 480W Cool Blue ATX

HDD: Western Digital 160GB (SATA II 300)

CASE: ANTEC P160 Aluminum

Memory: Kingmax 512 Mb DDR 400Mhz (4 Gb max)

Optical Drive: Lite-On DVD Combi (DVD Rom + CD Re-writeable 52x etc)

Case Fans: 2 X 12 cm Antec Fans (front and rear with auto speed control, Plus fans inside the PSU)

Floppy Drive: Sony

(17" TFT Monitor on it's way soon)

I have checked all connections a few times and all seems to be fine, when powered up all the fans works and lights come on as they should, the Hard Drive can be heard to be going, so I don't have a clue as to why the speaker has stoped the single beep, it's a complete mystery to me, why does these things have to happen even when we make sure we know what we're doing, I have been learning how to build my own high End PC for a year and half now but couldn't afford to finish it till now, I decided to upgrade the CPU as the Celeron is rubbish for gaming as most will know, was a mistake buying it in the first place but now I'm looking to sell it as New

Any help with the above problem would be greatly appreciated and I hope I can help others on the forum sometime

All the best

CSB :)
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CSB said:
it's a complete mystery to me, why does these things have to happen even when we make sure we know what we're doing

I know what you mean mate :)

So does the PC boot up to Windows etc? Or will it not start at all?

The single beep means that the PC has passed the POST, (Power On Self Test), but you probably know that already ;)

Thanks for replying, I havn't been able to install the operating system yet even though I have it (XP PROFESSIONAL W/SERVICE PACK 2), because I'm still waiting for the monitor to be delivered, I can't use the one from this system cos its gets its power from an old style AT PSU so the base and Montor gets its power from a single plug etc (why does electronics have to be so complicated grrrrr)

So at the moment all I can do is turn my New system on without the monitor, and of course it also means that I havn't yet been able to get into BIOS or anything tut, the monitor is coming from Amazon and they have delayed it now for a couple of weeks because they said there having a prob with the suplier, at least I'm now getting postage and packing free for the delay:)

I noticed that your Processor is HT enabled, mine is too but forgot to list it lol, a very nice system you have too if I may say so

I would have thought that even though I don't have the Operating system installed it wouldn't stop the Case speaker, and even if there was a problem it would surely do at least 2 beeps to indicate one wouldn't it, I'm just disappointed after all my effort that just this one single thing has to cause me a problem, I'm one of those people who are happy to read through a manual to make sure they know what there doing lol, last thing I'd want to do is fry an expensive piece of equipment :(

I'll shut up now lol

Thanks again

CSB *throws a tantrum*
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CSB said:
a very nice system you have too if I may say so

Thanks :)

CSB said:
I can't use the one from this system cos its gets its power from an old style AT PSU so the base and Montor gets its power from a single plug etc

If you have a kettle lead (or other PC lead with the kettle-shaped plug on it) you can use that, instead of the cable that powers the monitor from the PSU.

CSB said:
would have thought that even though I don't have the Operating system insatalled it wouldn't stop the Case speaker, and even if there was a problem it would surely do at least 2 beeps to indicate one wouldn't it

Yes, it certainly should beep. However, if there is a problem, it will do an untold amount of beeping, depending on what the problem is.

If you can, try connecting that monitor.

It could be that the CPU isn't in properly... I know that can mean no beeps...
my old system was pretty much the same as yours but it was a P4C800 deluxe and that never beeped on start up
Thanks again EPF and to you ME__2001, I should be able to use another PC lead that I have then and will connect this monitor to the graphics card on my new system tomorrow to see whats going on

EPF, what should I look for in the BIOS/POST if it is the CPU causeing the problem if you know?, I have a PS/2 style keyboard I can use too to get into BIOS as USB has to be turned on after tut

I can't express enough how much I appreciate both your help

Even when my problem is soved (hopefully or I'm screwed), I'll still be coming here to help in any way I can with anyone else having a prob

Will be logging off now for tonight, Nos da (Good night in welsh)

CSB (Tired and frustrated with New comp)
CSB said:
EPF, what should I look for in the BIOS/POST if it is the CPU causeing the problem if you know?, I have a PS/2 style keyboard I can use too to get into BIOS

Yeah, you'll probably need that keyboard!

If the CPU isn't seated properly, it's unlikely you'll get to BIOS. The fans will probably start up, but that's all.

If you do get to BIOS, without any beep, then it may just be a faulty connection with the speaker. Is it a speaker, or just a beeper fixed to the motherboard? Because the beepers fail sometimes.

If you can get to BIOS, then check the Boot Priority Menu to make sure the system boots from CD first, and have a go at installing Windows.

However, if you can't get to BIOS, try re-seating the CPU. I know it's a pain, especially if you used a thermal paste instead of a heat transfer pad, but it's all I can think of...?

Did you use an Electrostatic Grounding Strap when working inside your PC?

Yes, I understand. Me tired too!
Sorry, but I found it quite comical ... no, really, you brought a wry smile to my face. Booting a computer without a monitor. I've done it myself.

Those "old style" monitor power leads were a major cause of power supply failures ... I use to buy "proper" power cables by the box load and chuck them other stupid things in the bin. Mind you, they made for good extension cables. ;)

ME_2001 is also correct ... not all MBs beep ... especially if you have an Asus MB with "ASUS POST Reporter", as you have in your case ... it will use your ordinary speakers to report any faults or problems. I can only assume that it does not now beep, as you say it did, because the BIOS may have been reset.

Get everything together first, including a monitor & keyboard, before attempting to "fix" something that may not be broken ... in the meantime, sit on your hands. :D

My new Asus A8N32 SLI Deluxe beeps through the desk speakers, the first time i heard it i wondered what the hell it was as i dont usually have them on if i dont need too... I did connect the case speaker to the board too though and that beeps as normal.
I think if you install a new CPU you will get a checksum error or something - meaning somethings changed...

All you have to do is press delete to go into BIOS and then F10 to save and exit... and it should work.
Thank you for all your help (EPF, ME__2001, MUCKSHIFTER, V_R, CHRISTOPHERPOSTILL)

EPF, Yes I did use an Electrostatic Grounding Strap, as I bought a PC Tool kit from amazon about 2 years ago and it included one along with other helpful tools as you could expect, and I used this Monitor to try to get to the BIOS but even after a few times of booting up nothing comes on screen apart from the "No Signal" moving about, and I made sure everything was connected again, and checked the conection between Graphics card and Monitor, To be honest it's starting to pee me off :mad: , So as you suggested EPF I'll take off the heatsink again and re-insert the CPU, I used Artic Silver 5 thermal paste and I have more than enough left so that will be fine, but as you all know its just a pain having to try that again

Your right MUCKSHIFTER about the motherboard having the POST REPORTER but I thought that wouldn't kick in untill the operating system is installed?, this monitor that I used to check my New system doesn't have built in speakers as they are powered by the PSU (old AT style PSU) and I don't have the connection needed on my New Antec 480W Cool Blue PSU, so obviously I had to just have to do with no audio speakers connected to it when I booted up and still got nothing (Hope I'm not going on too long about this)

CHRISTOPHERPOSTILL, I can't get into BIOS still as I've mentioned above, and ain't CPU's suposed to be Plug N' Play type components ?, I wish something in my life would just run like clockwork for once (Another Tantrum, someone quickly throw me a sweet to shut me up lol)

Again, Thank you to all who have tried to help, I'll let you all know how re-sitting the CPU goes later tonight

Hi again all

I took off the HSF and took out the CPU, cleaned the thermal paste of both whilst wearing the antistatic wrist strap etc, re-fitted the CPU and triple checked it was fine, pushed down the lever to lock into place

Applied fresh thermal paste on CPU, re-placed HSF, clear window side panel back on, connected Monitor back to Graphics card, keyboard connected to PS/2 port, both electrical plugs in, turned on, booted up comp and what do I get, Still Nothing! on the screen apart from the "No Signal" and still No beep!

Only other thing I guess that could be stoping the Monitor is maybe the Graphics card isn't alligned properly but I doubt it as when I install anything I make sure its perfect first time, but I havn't took the Graphics card out yet and re-inserted, will try that one thing tomorrow:(

I am sooooooooooooooooo :mad: about it all now :(

Sorry for the rant

P.S, EPF, To answer a previous question you asked, my MB doesn't have a beeper directly on the MB, I had to buy a seperate speaker as the ANTEC P160 doesn't come with one (nice one Antec!), and couldn't find any new on sites like Overclock, Tekheads etc, so went on ebay and found one second hand but worked 100%fine until I changed CPU, also the CPU I installed recently was also bought from a seller on ebay called vlad.the.impaler, but was brand new in the retail box and unopened so surely it couldn't have been damaged already???, cost me £109 excluding p+p
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It sounds like you may have a deeper problem...

I've checked the motherboard specifications and it seems everything should work O.K.?

A last ditch attempt: Does the old celeron still work? (last resort test this, as i can imagine pulling the cpu out AGAIN is not high on your list of fun things to do

I'd wait and see what some other forum members suggest before doing that though.

The only other thing may be: Re-setting CMOS by removing the battery. This erases all custom settings and can sometimes help a system that won't boot because it has incorrect bus speed settings (i.e. if the celeron settings are not the same as the pentium settings)

But I'm getting a little out of my depth here :o

Pentium IIIs are really my area...

Maybe someone else can confirm whether re-setting CMOS is a good idea? And whether P4s have issues when replacing celerons (with regard to bus settings)?

Oh dear, it's late again.
I should be in bed :( tut, well no point in complaining even though I just did lol

EPF, the Celeron and Pentium 4 does have slightly differnent settings like the FSB, Celeron runs at 400Mhz but the P4 runs at 800Mhz, but then again the MOBO should of recognised that automaticly surely, after all these newer MOBO's are meant to take more control of settings so we don't have too

If no one else has any idea of what the problem could be over the next couple of days, I'll just put back in the Celeron 2.4Ghz 400Mhz FSB CPU, and I have a feeling that it will all work again, but I don't want to use a crappy Celeron for Gaming (Sorry if I offended any Celeron users on the forum but I just don't like them anymore)

I guess taking out the CMOS Battery would be worth a go too, but again I'll leave that idea for a day or two

If I did put back in the Celeron to see if the speaker will work again, couldn't I just leave off the HSF and have no thermal paste on the CPU as long as I only booted up for a very short time and then shut it all down again???, I'm sure I've read before earlier this year that some people have done that with no real risk to the CPU over heating

Tomorrow I'll buy us all a cyber round of Lager or whatever your preference is to say thank you

I have to laugh before I cry :(

CSB, (Going to bed feeling defeated by silicone chips)
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Am I reading this correctly?

Your fitting a Celeron chip into a P4 board? Excuse me if i've misread!
I thought they had different DIE sizes? Unless its a Celeron D?

Am I talking crap. I aint had Intel for years LMAO

Drop the BIOS (usually a red/white jumper on motherboard) that as already said will reset it to standard settings, you should then be able to access BIOS via onscreen. If nothing appears onscreen get another GFX card from somewhere and try again
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Yep, resetting the BIOS, via the reset-jumper, will put the BIOS to a default setting ... at least it should post. You will need to check the BIOS settings if it does post. Yes! the MB should have 'detected' the CPU change ... but then we are dealing with a computer, that, have minds of their own. ;)

Intel lost my favour years ago, they are the worlds worst for playing "the numbers game" and get no Brownie points from me.

One "tech" saying is ... No Beep = Faulty MB or CPU (especially if you have a MB speaker)

Another "trick" is ... you changed something, now something does not work ... change it back, now, does it work?

If I did put back in the Celeron to see if the speaker will work again, couldn't I just leave off the HSF and have no thermal paste on the CPU as long as I only booted up for a very short time and then shut it all down again???, I'm sure I've read before earlier this year that some people have done that with no real risk to the CPU over heating
NO!! :rolleyes:

Even I would not do that and I certainly would not suggest anybody try it either ... I have, on a bench, just rested a HSF on a CPU before now, but again, I would not do as I do, do as I say ... do the job properly or not at all.

You have two choices at the moment ...
1. Reset the BIOS using the on-board jumper, read the manual on how.
2. Replace the CPU with the old one

Third option, bite the bullet and take it all to a good PC tech.

Hi all again

TriplexDread, the MOBO is compatible with a 478 socket Celeron CPU but has to be at least 400Mhz FSB etc, thanks for your concern though and is still appreciated greatly

muckshifter, ok at not booting up without the HSF attached fully, was just wondering as I have really read people doing it before, I thought the MOBO I have is Jumper free?, I'm not sure now after you said about resetting the BIOS via a on-board Jumper, I thought you could do it another way by just taking out the CMOS battery?

Either way I'll check the MOBO manual to see where if any jumper is to reset the BIOS etc, I'm starting to think it's a problem with this New P4 I bought of ebay, has a 30 day DOA warranty so if it's gone I should be able to get a replacement or similar to my liking if he don't have another exact spec P4

But if needed I do have a local shop that I could get my base seen by, but that will deffinately be a last resort

Thanks again for all your help

Removing the CMOS battery will reset the BIOS... it's not of life or death importance that you need to find the jumper.

Just leave the battery out for 10 minutes, put it back in, then it should have reset the BIOS.
I give up ...

You DO HAVE jumpers on that MB ... read TFM

Page 46 ... :rolleyes:
I located the jumper and followed the manual etc to reset it, still nothing on screen upon boot up, I bet its this New CPU, Prob something gone in it ffs, Honestly cos everything has been fine untill I added it to my MOBO

I don't blame you muckshifter for giving up because I nearly am too, will E-mail the person who sold the P4 CPU to me