Brian Henry
I am trying to implement a case sensative password (plain text) so something
like PaSsWoRd123 would not be the same as passWORD123... but simple select
statements in SQL Server 2000 match them as the same when you say something
like select count (*) from users where username = @username and password =
@password... I am using ADO.NET to issue the commands to sql server, but it
seems like sql server is doing the uncase senstaive matching... how would
you go about doing case senstavie matching on ths column? thanks
like PaSsWoRd123 would not be the same as passWORD123... but simple select
statements in SQL Server 2000 match them as the same when you say something
like select count (*) from users where username = @username and password =
@password... I am using ADO.NET to issue the commands to sql server, but it
seems like sql server is doing the uncase senstaive matching... how would
you go about doing case senstavie matching on ths column? thanks