Hello, I have a form named frmCalendar that has a option group. When I select
a option from the option group and click a button a password form opens and
in this form im using the code below to select the case from frmCalendar and
whatever case is selected then it opens that form asociated with that case.
My question is what can I put in the code so if one of the cases arent
selected <> then it would close the frmPassword form and set focus to the
option group on my frmCalendar.
With Forms!frmCalendar
Select Case !optEmpOrDept
Case !chkEmployee.OptionValue
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEmployeeStatusChange"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmPasswordRequired"
Case !chkDepartment.OptionValue
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDepartment"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmPasswordRequired"
Case Else
End Select
a option from the option group and click a button a password form opens and
in this form im using the code below to select the case from frmCalendar and
whatever case is selected then it opens that form asociated with that case.
My question is what can I put in the code so if one of the cases arent
selected <> then it would close the frmPassword form and set focus to the
option group on my frmCalendar.
With Forms!frmCalendar
Select Case !optEmpOrDept
Case !chkEmployee.OptionValue
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEmployeeStatusChange"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmPasswordRequired"
Case !chkDepartment.OptionValue
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDepartment"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmPasswordRequired"
Case Else
End Select