I have a field that will contain one of two types of data i.e. "1234567" or
"1234567, 8901234"
Now I have to format the paragraph so that it would look something like this
If it is the 7 digit field it would look like this:
I am taking exception to your reply indicating that the claim listed below
refers to a concealed shortage. I have reviewed this claim thoroughly to
find that the style, color and size indicated by the Item and/or UPC number
on the claim actually refers to an item that was not billed, or shipped, on
this invoice. Additionally, after reviewing the Purchase Order I have found
that Item No. 1234567 was not ordered for this store. Therefore, I am
providing a copy of the claim, invoice, proof of delivery, Order inquiry,
carton content and the Wal*Mart form for the claim below as a request to
reverse this claim.
if it is the 16 digit field it would look like this:
I am taking exception to your reply indicating that the claim listed below
refers to a concealed shortage. I have reviewed this claim thoroughly to
find that the styles, colors and sizes indicated by the Item and/or UPC
numbers on the claim actually refers to an items that were not billed, or
shipped, on this invoice. Additionally, after reviewing the Purchase Order I
have found that Item Nos. 1234567, 8901234 were not ordered for this store.
Therefore, I am providing a copy of the claim, invoice, proof of delivery,
Order inquiry, carton content and the Wal*Mart form for the claim below as a
request to reverse this claim
Keep in mind that the field will appear within the paragraph so the
paragraph line breaks will be different with each different number of
Hope this helps
I'm afraid I can't even begin to imagine what you are trying to do. Could
you provide an example?
Lynn Trapp
MS Access MVP
Access Security:
Jeff Conrad's Access Junkie List:
I need to create a paragraph of text that will break differently based on a
field that is either 7 or 16 characters long. I tried creating an text
with an IIF statement, but the text I need is more that 255 characters.
Basically it would be one paragraph if it the field value is only 7
characters, with that field in the middle of the paragraph. And a
paragraph if the field value is 16 characters.
Any help would be appreciated.