Cascading Style Sheet Hazard

  • Thread starter Thread starter Radium
  • Start date Start date


Cascading Style Sheet [.css] is hazardous to your privacy. It allows
others on the internet to see your monitor and files. It allows them to
copy images on your monitor to their computers. It also allows them to
copy files from your computer to their's. It is dangerous. Avoid at all

CSS that isn't stored in the victim's computer. Instead it is stored in
the perpetrator's PC. What it does is it reads everything on the
victim's screen and checks on the victim's visited webpages and can
even read text from any text or word application being used by the
victim. CSS is not a security risk and does not trick the victim's PC
into sending info to the perp. However, this is an extreme invasion of
the victim's privacy. The victim has no idea, that he/she is being
violated. The assailant can read text, and see any pictures that happen
to be on the victim's monitor without actually accessing the victim's

Your computer may not be at all damaged or touched. However, your
confidential information can easily be read by the attacker and anyone
the attacker gives it to. You don't have to download anything, visit
any website, or even use a browser to be attacked. You just need to be
connected to the internet and the attacker can strike you.

Once again, the victim's PC does not store any part of CSS. All info
and software is stored in the assailant's PC.
Cascading Style Sheet [.css] is hazardous to your privacy. It allows
others on the internet to see your monitor and files.

[ snip ]
Once again, the victim's PC does not store any part of CSS. All info
and software is stored in the assailant's PC.

Erm, you're a month late.
D00d, we don't question the fact that you've got a Radium issue.
If you are that worried about your privacy, just pull the network plug out
of the back of your PC.
On 30 Apr 2006 15:22:23 -0700, Radium wrote:

Oh man, I haven't laughed that hard in ages. Thanks for humor.
In our last episode,
the lovely and talented Radium
broadcast on comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html:
Cascading Style Sheet [.css] is hazardous to your privacy. It allows
others on the internet to see your monitor and files. It allows them to
copy images on your monitor to their computers. It also allows them to
copy files from your computer to their's. It is dangerous. Avoid at all

No. No. No. When you make your hat, the *shiny* side of the tinfoil
goes on the *outside*!
Lars said:
In our last episode,
the lovely and talented Radium
broadcast on comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html:
Cascading Style Sheet [.css] is hazardous to your privacy. It allows
others on the internet to see your monitor and files. It allows them to
copy images on your monitor to their computers. It also allows them to
copy files from your computer to their's. It is dangerous. Avoid at all

No. No. No. When you make your hat, the *shiny* side of the tinfoil
goes on the *outside*!

Oh, didn't you get the memo?

WARNING: CSS may cause one or all of the following:
Bad Breath, RSI, Severe Bleeding, Hallucinations, Gigantism, Avian Flu,
Lycanthropy, Sociopathy, Loss of Limbs and, in some extreme cases, the
sudden death of all life within 10 kilometers.

The public are advised to stay away from web pages with CSS files and if
anyone comes into contact with a raw CSS file they should immediately
contact the authorities.

A person caught using or distributing a CSS file will be fined, jailed,
deported and executed without trial and with no course for appeal.

Stamp out Css - Keep the Web Safe.
[follow-up set to news:alt.html]
While the city slept, Radium ([email protected]) feverishly typed...
Cascading Style Sheet [.css] is hazardous to your privacy. It allows
others on the internet to see your monitor and files. It allows them
to copy images on your monitor to their computers. It also allows
them to copy files from your computer to their's. It is dangerous.
Avoid at all costs.

Right... that's it! I'm going back to using tables for layout and font tag
soup from now on!!! ;-)
