I had to re-post this sorry to keep it towards the top... i have tried
countless times and countless suggestions and different codes... that i can't
remember what i used anymore... I am usally good at figuring things out...
but this i can't get for some darn reason... my database is very easy and not
a complex DB at all which is really bothersome to me that i can't get this to
work that i have broken the stores down now to serveral different tables...
each represent their own market EX: MA, CT, MD, VA, ATL and DE seven tables
with the stores in each instead of one big table of stores would a CASE
statement in the after update of "market" be better? I don't know... just
need the store and loctation combo box to display only the store for the
market selected in the market box...
I know this has been asked several 100 times about cascading combo boxes
where one box is populated by another... but i can not figure it out... even
if someone had a gun to my head.... seems like it should be easy however i
just can't get it...
i have two combo boxes
1 named "market" which list my markets and has field names: "count"(auto
number) and "market" based off marketTbl and the format is as follows:
count market
01 DE
02 ATL
03 MA
04 NJ
the 2nd one is "store # and location" this contains my store number along
with the location of the store and has field names: "hub ID"(FYI market from
#1 is the same as hub ID) "store # and location" based off storesTbl... and
the format is as follows:
hub ID store# and location
DE 0217 Newark
DE 0622 N Wilmington
ATL 0033 Atlanta
this is a small sample there are 210 stores in the storeTbl but i need it to
only show the stores that are specfic to the hub id when the user select DE
as the market Ex: DE i need only the DE stores to be available in the stores
combo box...
countless times and countless suggestions and different codes... that i can't
remember what i used anymore... I am usally good at figuring things out...
but this i can't get for some darn reason... my database is very easy and not
a complex DB at all which is really bothersome to me that i can't get this to
work that i have broken the stores down now to serveral different tables...
each represent their own market EX: MA, CT, MD, VA, ATL and DE seven tables
with the stores in each instead of one big table of stores would a CASE
statement in the after update of "market" be better? I don't know... just
need the store and loctation combo box to display only the store for the
market selected in the market box...
I know this has been asked several 100 times about cascading combo boxes
where one box is populated by another... but i can not figure it out... even
if someone had a gun to my head.... seems like it should be easy however i
just can't get it...
i have two combo boxes
1 named "market" which list my markets and has field names: "count"(auto
number) and "market" based off marketTbl and the format is as follows:
count market
01 DE
02 ATL
03 MA
04 NJ
the 2nd one is "store # and location" this contains my store number along
with the location of the store and has field names: "hub ID"(FYI market from
#1 is the same as hub ID) "store # and location" based off storesTbl... and
the format is as follows:
hub ID store# and location
DE 0217 Newark
DE 0622 N Wilmington
ATL 0033 Atlanta
this is a small sample there are 210 stores in the storeTbl but i need it to
only show the stores that are specfic to the hub id when the user select DE
as the market Ex: DE i need only the DE stores to be available in the stores
combo box...