Miss Perspicacia Tick
Is there a site that lists the capacity of various brands of cartridges? I
have an i9950 and an R800 and I want to compare OEM to my aftermarket brand
of choice - JetTec. Neither OEM, nor JetTec list the capacities of their
cartridges on their respective websites, and the new JT tanks boast "30%
extra free!" and I want to know exactly what that means, a) with respect to
the two OEM brands and b) to the old JT tanks that didn't make such a claim.
I have a huge job to do and I need to know how much to charge the client, so
if I can say that I can get x number of cards out of a set of 15ml
cartridges (roughly obviously, as each colour will be used a different
have an i9950 and an R800 and I want to compare OEM to my aftermarket brand
of choice - JetTec. Neither OEM, nor JetTec list the capacities of their
cartridges on their respective websites, and the new JT tanks boast "30%
extra free!" and I want to know exactly what that means, a) with respect to
the two OEM brands and b) to the old JT tanks that didn't make such a claim.
I have a huge job to do and I need to know how much to charge the client, so
if I can say that I can get x number of cards out of a set of 15ml
cartridges (roughly obviously, as each colour will be used a different