Carry Forward Previous Record without VBA

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Manish Mistry

Hello Everybody,
I have been regularly watching this group since last thre
My problem is ...
1. I want a button ona form which when clicked copies the
previous record in the table to the new entry record.

2. I want a combo box which has its record source in the
same field, i.e. In the very first record it doesnt show
any record but as the table gets enriched, the list shows
a 'non repetative' list of previous entries in the same
field. I need not give a previously decided content list
to the combo box.

Need Help, New to You, Hope the Best, Thank You!
Manish Mistry said:
Hello Everybody,
I have been regularly watching this group since last thre
My problem is ...
1. I want a button ona form which when clicked copies the
previous record in the table to the new entry record.

I would have no idea how to do this without VBA. You would also have to define what
you mean by "previous record". Does previous change if the sort order is changed or
a filter is applied or is it a fixed record that can be determined by sequence number
or a DateTime field?
2. I want a combo box which has its record source in the
same field, i.e. In the very first record it doesnt show
any record but as the table gets enriched, the list shows
a 'non repetative' list of previous entries in the same
field. I need not give a previously decided content list
to the combo box.

A *RowSource* similar to...

SELECT DISTINCT YourFieldName FROM YourTableName

....will give you this. You'll likely need to perform a Requery on the ComboBox each
time a new entry is added so the new entry will show up in the list without having to
close and reopen the form.