-----Original Message-----
OK, I think I could probably push excel to do this, but it
is sounding more and more like something which really
belongs in an Access database. You could use VLOOKUP to
find the particular saleperson [or patient] and tranfer
the right data, but then the mastersheet would have to be
arranged by id number in ascending order. This is easily
accomplished by Excel, but now you would have a problem if
there is more than one entry for an id number... VLOOKUP
would find only the first one. These are problems that
can be overcome, but really the whole task is perfect for
a database, not a spreadsheet. I can design one which
will extract data and fill out a form based on 2 unique
data keys, say a unique id number and a date. And then
design a routine which pulls data in from a form and
populates the mastersheet. Let me know.
-----Original Message-----
Rob or anyone else out there...
Have you given up on us?

I will check this tomorrow morning to see if anyone
If you have any further questions, please just ask. I am
kim sorry