Hola a todos!
Alguien de Uds. me podrìa explicar como recuperar una carpeta con correos
guardados, que eliminè por erro??
No està en la papelera de reciclaje.
Muchas gracias
First and *very important*: do not use the drive in question. Every time
you write to a disk, there is a chance you will overwrite part of the
deleted files. It is best to remove the drive from its computer and attach
it to another (for example, with a USB to hard drive adapter).
Second: there are programs available that will search the erased portions
of a drive; they can find and restore erased files. They are not 100%
successful, and they are not free. I don't have a link, but Google will
help - search for "file restore" or "file recover".
Do *not* install such a program on the drive in question. Install it on
another computer, and connect the drive to that computer. Do *not* restore
the files to the drive where they were lost, since that can overwrite your
data, as I pointed out above.
This can work because erasing a file does not immediately write onto the
places where it exists; what it does is remove the directory information
and mark the file's disk sectors available for reuse.