Card Reader Disappears from My Computet

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After I use the "safely remove hardware" option, my card reader no longer
shows up in "My Computer". I have a multi-card reader factory installed and
have to re-start to get the card reader to re-appear.

I am using an Acer AM1610, with Vista Home Premium 32bit, any suggestions????
Fatrichie said:
After I use the "safely remove hardware" option, my card reader no longer
shows up in "My Computer". I have a multi-card reader factory installed and
have to re-start to get the card reader to re-appear.

I am using an Acer AM1610, with Vista Home Premium 32bit, any suggestions????

This has come up on other card readers !
Do not use safely remove it does just what you said but it {{removes the
card reader}} not the card make sure there is nothing writing to the card and
just remove the card !
And you will be good to go !
Yep, I have a suggestion. Don't do that any more. :-)

The "Safely Remove Hardware" item doesn't have anything to do with the card
in the reader, it has to do with the reader hardware itself. When you click
the remove hardware icon and select the card reader you're shutting the card
reader down and a reboot will be necessary to get it working again. Simply
remove the card from the card reader when you're done reading/writing to it
and you'll get the effect you want.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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Hi, Fatrichie.

In addition to the other comments, there is a little-known setting that you
might want to try.

Go to Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) and right-click on that card reader
"drive". Click Properties and see if it has a Policies tab. On that tab,
there are two options: Optimize for quick removal, or Optimize for
performance. I chose the quick removal and I can remove and reinsert by
card reader (a much simpler SD-only reader) whenever I want without such
hassles. The key, of course, is whether Vista caches data on the way to and
from the device or not (clearing the "pipeline" for quick removal without
losing data in the pipeline).

Or, in Disk Management, you could click Action | Rescan Disks after
"removing" the hardware. This is a small hassle, but less than a full

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail beta 2 in Vista Ultimate x64)

The same as happen to Fatrichie was happened with me, what I have to do to
see my card reader again ? Because it´s not appearing in the My Computer
utility. Thanks...
If you remove the hardware it is gone from the system. If you want it back,
open the case unplug the 'usb' cable and plug it back in. :)

Seriously, it is doing what you asked it to do, it removed the device (the
usb device, the multi card reader) from the system.

I suspect that what you were actually trying to do was remove the memory
card safely, that is different from removing the device (the card reader).

The solution to being able to remove a card safely is in setting the caching
option for that 'drive'.

Restart so that you can see your multi card reader 'drives' again.
Right click on the 'drive', select 'Properties'
Hardware tab
highlight your 'drive'
select Properties
select Change settings button
policies tab

what you want is 'Optimize for quick removal' with this setting you can
remove the card as long as you are not actively writing on it (no background
stuff will be going on).

Hi, Baltasar.

Well, if you have the same problem as Fatrichie, then you should try the
solutions we already suggested?

It would be nice if Fatrichie would post back and tell us if he tried those
solutions and if they worked.

By the way, "My Computer" was left behind in WinXP; in Vista, it's just

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail beta 2 in Vista Ultimate x64)