Thanks for taking the time Eric. I'll include the relevant procedures below.
Just to explain, in our organisation users use two mailboxes within Exchange
for work they do for two different parts of the company - this involves two
separate email addresses and matching user names (as they appear on the GAL)
with or without "(Ltd)" at the end. Everyone's prompted for one of two
profiles when they enter Outlook but, because of potential errors, we still
want to be sure everyone is prompted again for the From address when they
create a new message (or reply or forward). Sadly the Accounts button that
works so well with separate SMTP accounts doesn't seem to be available for
mailboxes within the same server (if I'm missing something, please let me
Two other things (if you have the time!):
There's a matching signature for each mailbox and I'm currently including
that at the end of the process using the CurrentItem_Send event. I would
prefer to do this at the start of a new message but can't see an easy way to
swap to the other signature if the user then changes their mind as to whom
the message is from. Also, I can't say I'm proud of the series of SendKeys
statements at the end but, in the absence of the Dialogs collection, I'm at a
loss to finding a neater way to get into the From list!
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents myInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
Public WithEvents CurrentInspector As Outlook.Inspector
Public WithEvents CurrentItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim profUserName As String
Dim aUserName As String
Dim bUserName As String
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set myInspectors = Application.Inspectors
End Sub
Private Sub myInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Outlook.Inspector)
On Error GoTo handler
Dim myMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objRecip As Recipient
'checks this is a new mail message
If Not TypeOf Inspector.CurrentItem Is Outlook.MailItem Then Exit Sub
Set CurrentInspector = Inspector
Set myMail = CurrentInspector.CurrentItem
Set CurrentItem = myMail
If myMail.Sent Or myMail.Parent = "Drafts" Then Exit Sub
'obtains default user name and creates A and B versions
Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objRecip = objNS.CurrentUser
profUserName = objRecip.Name
If InStr(1, profUserName, " (Ltd)") = 0 Then
aUserName = profUserName
aUserName = Left(profUserName, InStr(1, profUserName, " (Ltd)") - 1)
End If
bUserName = aUserName & " (Ltd)"
'activates "From" button and narrows address list down to names that match
SendKeys "%r"
SendKeys "%v"
SendKeys "{down 3}"
SendKeys "{enter}"
SendKeys aUserName
SendKeys "{enter}"
Set myMail = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set objRecip = Nothing
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 287 Then 'if user clicks "No" to Outlook security
MsgBox "Tick 'Allow access for 1 minute' and then click on 'Yes' so
that Outlook can look up your name", vbCritical
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End If
End Sub