terry said:
Thank you for the help, I should have mentions that I am new to front
page so if you could tell me where this code is to go "On page or
the button to connect to the form or on the form it's self"
I am not Jon, but perhaps I can answer
I have made a few replies to your post and got them a bit wrong ,so this
time I hope I get it right.
To amend your form, go to Code or HTML view - the tab down the bottom and
find the HTML code for the form
Your form tag should read
<form id ="form1" ......>
Leave the rest the same
The input tag you want the title in should read
<input id="field1" type="text" ........>
Leave the rest the same
Then, anywhere after the </form> tag, add
<script type="text/javascript">
If I am wrong, no doubt Jon will correct me