Not sure how you're wanting to do this but here's my suggestion.
In your workbook open event add the following.
Create a new menu item say under tools called Check Workbook. Like so:
Const MenuItemName = "Import Plan Budgets" 'replace with the name of your
menu name
Const MenuItemMacro = "ImportPlan" 'replace with the name of your macro
'delete menu item in case already there
On Error Resume Next
'in case of error tells you what is happening
On Error GoTo DidntHappen
'create the new menu item
Set newitem = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("Tools").Controls.Add
'specify the menu caption and macro
newitem.Caption = MenuItemName
newitem.OnAction = MenuItemMacro
'add a separator bar
newitem.BeginGroup = True
Exit Sub
'error handler
MsgBox "An error occured, do not panic"
Create you a userform. On one side add 3 labels, set the caption of label 1
to todays date, label 2 to say something like on the date above this
workbook contained the following sheets, label 3 list the sheet names.
Beside label one add a textbox, beside label 2 add another label and set its
caption to something like "On the date above this workbook now contains the
following sheets. Beside label 3 add a combobox.
Right click the userform then go to the initialize event and add:
Textbox1.Value = Date
Dim w as worksheet
For Each w in Activeworkbook.Worksheets
Combobox1.Additem w.Name
Next w
Now create your MenuItemMacro and just have it say either Load Userform1or
Now anytime you want to check what was deleted, added, renamed, ect.. just
click Tools, the menu item name you added and the userform will pop up and
display what the workbook started with and what the workbook now contains.
Looked pretty neat when I just did it.
Good luck