Capturing Session End...

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Lozzi
  • Start date Start date

David Lozzi


I'm trying to capture the session end event. I put a spot of code in the
Session_End event in the Global.asax.vb file. The function simply writes to
a database table logging the event. I have the same function in the
Session_Begin and the Application events. I am capturing the Session
beginning and the App begin and end but no Session end. My end goal is to
capture some session objects before it dies and log it.


David Lozzi
I'm trying to capture the session end event. I put a spot of code in the
Session_End event in the Global.asax.vb file. The function simply writes
to a database table logging the event. I have the same function in the
Session_Begin and the Application events. I am capturing the Session
beginning and the App begin and end but no Session end. My end goal is to
capture some session objects before it dies and log it.

1) What are you using for session management? If you're not using inproc
sessions, Session_End won't fire...

2) Are you certain there isn't an error in your Session_End code...?

3) Are you absolutely certain that Session_End isn't firing...? How are you
calling it? Obviously, Session_End doesn't fire when you close the client
browser - you have to make it happen manually, or let it happen
automatically when the session eventually times out...

I'm trying to capture the session end event. I put a spot of code in the
Session_End event in the Global.asax.vb file. The function simply writes to
a database table logging the event. I have the same function in the
Session_Begin and the Application events. I am capturing the Session
beginning and the App begin and end but no Session end. My end goal is to
capture some session objects before it dies and log it.


David Lozzi
The difference between Sesssion_Begin and Session_End is that
Response/Request objects available in first event and null in another event.

so show us a code and do not say it's the same.....

Hi Mark,

1. Using SQL.
2. I am as sure as I can be. See script below
3. I'm assuming it will occur when it times out.

Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires when the session ends
End Sub

Public Shared Function SessionLog(ByVal LogType As Integer)
Dim ID As String = ""
Dim Parts As String = ""
Dim SessionID As String = ""
Dim customer As String = ""
Dim email As String = ""

Dim uniSession As UniSession = Nothing
Select Case LogType
Case 1
' Application Start
email = "admin"
ID = LogType & "_AppStart_" & IConvD2(Now) & "_" &
IConvMTS(Now) & "_" & CompanyCode
Case 2
' Session Start
SessionID = Current.Session.SessionID.ToString
ID = LogType & "_SessStart_" & SessionID & "_" &
IConvD2(Now) & "_" & IConvMTS(Now) & "_" & CompanyCode
Case 3
' Session End
SessionID = Current.Session.SessionID.ToString
customer = Current.Session("CustomerNum")
email = Current.Session("CustomerEmail")
Dim bag As ArrayList = Current.Session("ShoppingBag")
For Each i As BagItem In bag
Parts &= i.PartNo & "-" & i.Name & " :: "
ID = LogType & "_SessEnd_" & SessionID & "_" &
IConvD2(Now) & "_" & IConvMTS(Now) & "_" & CompanyCode

Case 4
' Application End
email = "admin"
ID = LogType & "_AppEnd_" & IConvD2(Now) & "_" &
IConvMTS(Now) & "_" & CompanyCode
End Select

uniSession = UOOpenSession()

Dim uf As UniFile = uniSession.CreateUniFile("BAG")
With uf
.RecordID = ID
.WriteField(1, Now)
.WriteField(2, Current.Session.SessionID)
.WriteField(3, CompanyCode)
.WriteField(4, Parts)
.WriteField(5, Current.Session("CustomerEmail"))
.WriteField(6, customer)
End With
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Dim msg As New MailMessage
msg.From = New

Dim toEmails() As String =
For i As Integer = 0 To toEmails.Length - 1

msg.Subject = "Error on " &
Current.Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & " Website"
msg.IsBodyHtml = True

msg.Body = "<font face=verdana size='2'><b>Error on " &
Current.Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & " Website!</b><br>" & Now()
& "<BR><br>" & _
"<b>Page Name:</b>common.vb<br>" & _
"<b>URL:</b>" &
Current.Request.ServerVariables("URL") & "<br>" & _
"<b>Function Name:</b> SessionLog<br><br>" & _
"<b>Error Message:</b> " & ex.ToString
Dim smtpClient As New SmtpClient
smtpClient.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SMTPServer")
Return False
End Try

End Function
D'OH -- I thought I asked this once before.... Well, then, this is

What are my options then? I need to capture an abandoned session's objects.
Also, how does a session never end when it's on SQL? Or does it and it
doesn't tell IIS/Web site about it?
