Capture which query is being run

  • Thread starter Thread starter PiB311
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Hi all,

Thanks for any help in advance.

I have a procedure that runs a daily update for an application. This
procedure has a number of queries that from time to time cause an error. I
am familiar with error handling and am using the err.description to get the
reason for the error, but I need to find a way to capture which query caused
the error.

I thought about doing this:

On Error GoTo HandleError

'Delete all records from tblProjectInfoTemp.
str_error = "qryPITempDelete"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryPITempDelete"

'Append records from Project Office to tblProjectInfoTemp.
str_error = "qryPITempAppend"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryPITempAppend"


str_sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_process_log ( process_id , status_id ,
error_message , error_action ) " & _
"SELECT " & rst!process_id & ", 3, '" &
Err.Description & "','" & str_error & "' "

DoCmd.RunSQL str_sql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

I know the syntax for the insert on this type of SQL statement should
include the Values syntax instead of Select, but will change that later.

Please let me know if there is an easier way to accomplish this. There is
one process that runs up to 180 queries and to do this for each one would be
painstakingly slow.
Unfortunately I cannot think of any alternative

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Thanks for the help! Anyone else having difficulty posting replies i this
forum? I can post questions but get errors on the response.