capture sequentially numbered still from usb webcam

  • Thread starter Thread starter MightyKitten
  • Start date Start date


Before our fellow poster Javalab gets overworked:

cam commander can:

It can both be used as an ftp uploader, or just keep the pictures quiet in a
directory on your disk. I set it up just the other day with motion detection
upstairs, my camara pointing outside to the street.
When I came back in the evening I had a nice slideshow :
Strawny cats sneaking through the snow,
kids having a snowball fight,
a lost car (saw it come back at least a douzain times)
two birds fighting in the air

quite a nice show for such a boring neighborhood ;-)

Mighty Kitten.
looking for a freeware to capture stills and sequentially number them...
prefer to keep the images in a folder on my local system and not
automatically shift the images to website...
Before our fellow poster Javalab gets overworked:

thanks. a sweet java labrador girl and a mighty kitten.
allied we'll get the whole world webcammed :)

ciao, j.
"Vic Dura"

How's there weather up there.

ehm... labrador is the bitch, we're in italy :)
yesterday we had a snow storm. nothing to compare with labrador's, but java
(the dog) is at the 7th heaven :)
ciao, j.
I guess after seeing the cam, they recognized there was nothing of value
here ;-)
An very old Philips webcam (15fps, 320*240).

hjmler said:
All I can get it to do is write to its install directory and it writes to
and overwrites a file "capture.jpg" and what I need is for it to save
sequentially numbered files, e.g., capture0000001 capture0000002
capture0000003 and so on...

i know it is possible. Just wait until I go upstairs agian (where the cam
is) I'm way to lazy to go there just to answer this. But I will.

All I can get it to do is write to its install directory and it writes to
and overwrites a file "capture.jpg" and what I need is for it to save
sequentially numbered files, e.g., capture0000001 capture0000002
capture0000003 and so on...
As prommissed:

Open Pryme
Menu "Setup" --> "Setup"
Tab "Filenames"
Section "Local Pictures" the middle choice ("Incementing filenames")
Button [OK]

That's all.

As prommissed:

Open Pryme
Menu "Setup" --> "Setup"
Tab "Filenames"
Section "Local Pictures" the middle choice ("Incementing filenames")
Button [OK]

That's all.

cool. with camcommander, i had to write a small app myself for getting the
pics from the site and naming them after the timestamp :)
| what's 'b&e' ?

b ........ breaking
e ........ entering

b & e .... breaking .and. entering ....
Have you tried "IrFanView" in capture mode

Start IView

press "c"

select > Automatic - timer delay
(set number of seconds)

select > Saving method

select> Save captured image as file
(and select where to save)
