Capture keystrokes on all word processors - 190908

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vighneswar
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Hi All

Can anybody please suggest me in this regard that I need to capture the
keystrokes on all the word processors (Ms Word, Excel .. Etc), text editors
(Notepad .. Etc) and suggest nearer words to the keystrokes. I have the DB
for suggesting the nearer words but wasn't sure on how to capture the
keystrokes on all the word processors, text editors.

Please advise. Thanking you in advance.

T.L Vighneswar Mulaga
Capturing key strokes for external apps would require Win32 hooks and
calls, but is very brittle anyway - for example, how do you know what
they are doing at the time? They might not be typing words, but using
shortcut / button key presses.

Some apps do this type of thing by hooking into the text control
(easier for simple things like notepad). There is a big difference
between each of Word, Excel and notepad. You would almost certainly
need a different approach for each. But then, since Word and Excel
have this built in, why would you bother?

Most times, if software is doing this, it could be construed as
malicious. You might get some security issues...

Thank you Marc ... Actually we need to develop an application that works in
this way.

Thank you James ..


James Hahn said:
Then you will need to insert a low level keyboard hook, and work out for
each keystroke whether the user is typing in an application where you should
be making a suggestion, or some other place (such as changing a file name in
Explorer). It is fraught with difficulty.

LowLevelKeyboardProc Function
SetWindowsHookEx Function