capture format

  • Thread starter Thread starter DW
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When I capture video from my camera into WMM, what's the best format? I have
the option to capture it so that it will play on my computer and this is
stated to be the highest quality. But I also have the option to capture it
as DV-avi...??? What's the difference in quality. and if I want to record to
Cd or DVD to paly on a home palyer, which should I use?
DV-AVI will create the largest file size per minute of video but it will give
the best quality. Use it if you plan to go all the way to DVD. Otherwise, the
quality at which you capture depends on many things such as the intended use
of the final product, the power of your pc, the type of camera (digital /
analog), and the amount of space on your pc. You should play around a little
and experiment. It might take a little time and cost a few DVDs but the
knowledge you will gain will be well worth it.