Capture Color From Point on Screen

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jody Gelowitz
  • Start date Start date

Jody Gelowitz

I have seen some examples of how to capture a color from a point on screen
using C#, but haven't come across anything with VB.NET. Is this possible
under VB.NET? I know that I will need to use the GetPixel API in order to
do this.

Essentially, I would like to be able to move the mouse around the screen,
and wherever the left button is clicked, I would like to store the color
value of the point where the cursor is located. If possible, I would prefer
to stay in VB.NET

Any ideas?

Essentially this involves the same teqhnique as capturing the whole screen
or surface of a control.

A thread entitled "Making a ("screenshot") image of a single control" posted
a few days ago has the code for importing the BitBlt API and using it. In
this case you would possibly capture only one pixel unless you had a whole
lot to examine in which case you could capture as much of the screen as you
needed and use GetPixel on the resulting image.

Bob Powell [MVP]
C#, System.Drawing

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