captions won't print



I've got a pretty simple form that I've been using, and for some reason the
captions aren't showing up when I print the form. In the design view, the
captions are visible and always showing. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Al Campagna

Check the DisplayWhen property of those captions. To appear in a form print, they'll
need to be set to Always.


Display when is set to always showing. I've tried changing it to display when
printing, still doesn't show up, changed the backgroud color, changed the
font color....can't figure out what someone did to it! I think my next step
is to just make a new form.

Al Campagna

Forms are not really meant to be printed. Print Form can be unreliable, and
susceptible to print driver differences.
For example, a well documented bug is that Tab Control TAb captions do not print on
Print Form.
On my system, (Access 97) I have seen this "no print" bug with unbound text controls.

Avoid an "iffy" situation...
Create a report to print the form record being displayed, and that should work.

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