I am developing a video capture application ...
everything works fine except the following code
UINT uiIndex = 0;
for ( uiIndex = 0; uiIndex <= 9; ++uiIndex )
VCT_CHAR szDeviceName[250] = {0};
VCT_CHAR szDeviceVersion[250] = {0};
if ( capGetDriverDescription(uiIndex,
sizeof(szDeviceVersion)) )
I always find only one camera on my system but I have 3 cams connected
(I want to switch between them) ... I always get reported as being
hooked to my system only one camera with the following description
Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32).
I want to do this because the application cannot capture video (or
images) id the default camera is not hooked to the system ... there is
no way to call capDlgVideoSurce if you are not connected to a device.
How can I tell my aplication to use the camera connected to the system
if it always sees only one default camera witch is Microsoft WDM Image
Capture (Win32) ?
everything works fine except the following code
UINT uiIndex = 0;
for ( uiIndex = 0; uiIndex <= 9; ++uiIndex )
VCT_CHAR szDeviceName[250] = {0};
VCT_CHAR szDeviceVersion[250] = {0};
if ( capGetDriverDescription(uiIndex,
sizeof(szDeviceVersion)) )
I always find only one camera on my system but I have 3 cams connected
(I want to switch between them) ... I always get reported as being
hooked to my system only one camera with the following description
Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32).
I want to do this because the application cannot capture video (or
images) id the default camera is not hooked to the system ... there is
no way to call capDlgVideoSurce if you are not connected to a device.
How can I tell my aplication to use the camera connected to the system
if it always sees only one default camera witch is Microsoft WDM Image
Capture (Win32) ?