I can't believe I can't get a new database I have created to work. It's
driving me crazy. I have reviewed several other posts and think I am doing
everything correctly and yet I get the following error message every time I
try to establish a custom query in a form. My site is hosted by an ISP with
all FP extensions in place. I can add new records to the database but when I
create a search form, (insert, database, results) I use the same connection I
created in the original form that created the database. I select custom query
and type in one field name to search on. When I click VERIFY, I get the
following error msg.
Database Connection Error. The server encountered an error while processing
a database request. For more information click Details. I click Details and
get: Server error: Unable to retrieve schema info from the query: 1 Against a
database using the connection string DRIVER=(Microsoft Access
Driver(*.mdb));dbq=url=fpdb/newgroups.mdb. The following error msg comes from
the database software; (Microsoft)(odbcMicrosoft Access Driver) invalid SQL
statement; expected 'delete','insert','procedure','select, or'update'.
Source:Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC drivers.
My website is maintained on my PC at home and I upload to the ISP through
FP2003. Website is www.linkintheworld.com. Click RGISTRATION Page to see the
search form.
Please help.
driving me crazy. I have reviewed several other posts and think I am doing
everything correctly and yet I get the following error message every time I
try to establish a custom query in a form. My site is hosted by an ISP with
all FP extensions in place. I can add new records to the database but when I
create a search form, (insert, database, results) I use the same connection I
created in the original form that created the database. I select custom query
and type in one field name to search on. When I click VERIFY, I get the
following error msg.
Database Connection Error. The server encountered an error while processing
a database request. For more information click Details. I click Details and
get: Server error: Unable to retrieve schema info from the query: 1 Against a
database using the connection string DRIVER=(Microsoft Access
Driver(*.mdb));dbq=url=fpdb/newgroups.mdb. The following error msg comes from
the database software; (Microsoft)(odbcMicrosoft Access Driver) invalid SQL
statement; expected 'delete','insert','procedure','select, or'update'.
Source:Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC drivers.
My website is maintained on my PC at home and I upload to the ISP through
FP2003. Website is www.linkintheworld.com. Click RGISTRATION Page to see the
search form.
Please help.