Cant view web pages



Daughters laptop, had malvirus, avast removed it. ran spybot and adaware.

She is able to log on to AIM and internet games, but cant use internet
explorer. We tried to delet it and reinstall, but it deleted the short cut
but not the file, says we cant uninstall it. and the new one wont install
because there is one already, and now cant figure out how to get the icon
(Blue E) back. How can I get her computer to log back on to see the pages.
she is connected and connects to AIM and internet games.


Jan Il

Hi sharon :)

You don't mention the version of Windows you are using, but, I'll assume it
is XP.

You cannot uninstall/remove Internet Explorer from XP. Internet Explorer
is core to the XP operating system, it's built into the program. You'll get
an illegal operation message if you try to uninstall it. Also, do not
delete any IE files on your system or the overall Windows system will be
damaged and will not work properly, and you will have to do reinstall XP.The
reason you cannot uninstall IE is that, unlike pervious separate versions of
IE, it is a core part of the XP program and cannot be uninstalled.

As your efforts to uninstall IE failed, you now have a known issue trying to
uninstall IE, where you receive a message that a newer version is already

Kelly's site has a fix which changes the IsInstalled flag value to 0. =
Download this, then right click, Merge, reboot, then try your install again.
or (line 114, right)

When you finish the reinstall, go immediately to the Windows Update website
and let it scan your computer for any needed updates and install them.


Removing some types of spyware and malware can leave damaged Winsock keys in
the Registry. Some types of warez use the Layered Service Providers (LSP),
which are little bits of software that can be added or inserted into the
Winsocks. Outward bound data from your computer to a legitimate destination
on the Internet can be intercepted by an LSP and sent somewhere other than
where it is supposed to go.

In order to correct the mis-direction, you should download and run the
programs below that apply to your OS, which should resolve the connection
problem. If you are unable to download these programs from the affected
machine, you can download them from another machine and copy them to a
floppy disk or CD, copy them to the hard drive of your machine, then install
and run them.

(if your OS is Win2k or XP) The process of removing certain malware may kill
your internet connection. If this should occur, this program, LSPFIX, will
enable you to regain your connection.


Winsock Fix Utility
WinsockXP Fix for XP
Also, with instructions, at


Additional LPS Information:,,sid1_gci213375,00.html,,sid1_gci213376,00.html
(scroll down the list to the lsp.dll files here)

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
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Touch Base

To repair Internet explorer:

Launch REGEDIT from the Start menu's Run dialog and navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}. In the right-hand pane, double-click on the DWORD value IsInstalled and change it from 1 to 0 (no matter whether you choose Decimal or Hexadecimal).

Close REGEDIT and go to the Windows update site again. Now it should let you "update" IE and, with luck, fix the problems.

By the way, you can do the same thing if you need to repair Outlook Express, but at the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}.

Consider adding the /Q switch to IE-installer path in the Run box, this will prevent the installer from checking upon the installed IE version. For example setup.exe /Q

To get back the icon:

Right click Desktop/Properties/Desktop/Customise Desktop/Desktop Items/click on Internet Explorer.


Yes I am running xp. this is what happened (BAD)

I did the regedit to this part:

Launch REGEDIT from the Start menu's Run dialog and navigate to the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed
Components\{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}. In the right-hand pane,
double-click on the DWORD value IsInstalled and change it from 1 to 0 (no
matter whether you choose Decimal or Hexadecimal).
Close REGEDIT and go to the Windows update site again. Now it should let you "update" IE and, with luck, fix the problems.

***well, it let me reinstall IE6, then it restarted and now I have all kinds
of errors, and it wont even get to the windows screen, these are the errors:

Winlogon.exe-Entry Point Not Found
Assocgetpereceivedtype(all one word)(could not locate dynamic link

Lsass.exe(same as above)

Services.exe(same as above)

bcmmwltry.exe(same as above)

User Interface Failure( the logon user interface DLL msgina.dll failed to
Contact you system admin to replace or restore the original DLL.

So now what.



I turned off laptop. and restarted with black screen, chose last known
running . and the errors are gone, and got the Blue E back, but when click on
it , it comes up with the yahoo home address, but says page can not be
displayed, will not open any thing that is typed in the address field. Can
only access Aim, and online checkers, and such that are in the games folder,
but nothing else, no favorites or anything.


Touch Base

in message

Sounds like you also have some spyware problems and your winsock maybe corrupted. Have you ran any scanners/cleaners?

Trying running LSP-FIX

Repairs Winsock 2 settings, caused by buggy or improperly-removed Internet software, that result in loss of Internet access.


thank you for the help. I have gotten it running. I had to boot up in safe
mode with networking, it allowed me to log on to the net just fine, down
loaded the avast, spybot and adaware to the authorizer log in, and ran all
three,then restarted,and cleaned the other user log ins. and that worked, had
to start out on top and clean all three. works. just fine now. I will
remember this next time,

thanks, sharon

Touch Base

| thank you for the help. I have gotten it running. I had to boot up in safe
| mode with networking, it allowed me to log on to the net just fine, down
| loaded the avast, spybot and adaware to the authorizer log in, and ran all
| three,then restarted,and cleaned the other user log ins. and that worked, had
| to start out on top and clean all three. works. just fine now. I will
| remember this next time,
| thanks, sharon
| "rsmobley85" wrote:

Good to hear you're back online :)

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