Hi Rob,
The experts in the microsoft.public.windows.server.sbs may have a better answer.
That being said...
For Windows 2000 users who have installed Internet Explorer 5.5 or Internet Explorer
6, reinstalling Internet Explorer oftentimes solves this problem. For more
information, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base Article that includes the
In addition, the Folder view pane in Windows Explorer may be blank or gray
instead of having the folder tree view."
KB265829 - AddRemove Programs Tool May Not Work After Installing Internet
Explorer 5_5 or Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000
Or, if you want to try a registry fix published at the "Tech Support Guy Bulletin
Board", see the following Web Page. Note, after the regedit you may need to log off
and then log back on.
HelpOnThe.Net > TSG Forums > Operating Systems > Windows NT/2000/XP > Archive:
Windows NT/2000/XP > Explorer Folder Pane Grayed Out
Carrie Garth, Microsoft MVP for Windows 2000
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: "Rob Conley" <robertconley AT britton DOT org>
: Wrote in message : Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 5:49 PM
: Running SBS 2000 with Terminal Services. After the last
: auto install Critical Update Windows Explorer will not
: allow me to few folders on the left side explorer bar. I
: can view other things like search, favorites, history,
: etc, but not folders. Any suggestions for a fix?