Why I press F5 to debug my program i get this error: Class
CLSID_CorSymWriter_SxS could not be created - Class not registered. I can run
the program using ctrl+F5 though. I reinstalled both VS .Net 2003 and the
..Net Framework 1.1, tried registering mscordbi.dll but i still recieve this
error. I've even tried fixes I found on sites with people getting the same
message when trying to view ASPNet pages. Can anyone help me fix the debugger
CLSID_CorSymWriter_SxS could not be created - Class not registered. I can run
the program using ctrl+F5 though. I reinstalled both VS .Net 2003 and the
..Net Framework 1.1, tried registering mscordbi.dll but i still recieve this
error. I've even tried fixes I found on sites with people getting the same
message when trying to view ASPNet pages. Can anyone help me fix the debugger