Can't use DIR command

  • Thread starter Thread starter TerryC
  • Start date Start date


Dear All,

I am using the DIR function in a control on a form and all
it returns is "name?" yet on other PCs it returns the
filename I expect. Any reason why this function doesn't
work on one machine and OK on another? Any suggestions
gratefully appreciated.

TerryC said:
Dear All,

I am using the DIR function in a control on a form and all
it returns is "name?" yet on other PCs it returns the
filename I expect. Any reason why this function doesn't
work on one machine and OK on another? Any suggestions
gratefully appreciated.

Often when databases don't work on one particular machine, it's because
of a broken or missing reference. See if the steps outlined here help:

Thanks very much for your response. It certainly looks
something like this is the problem. I will do some more
work using this the article you referenced and post back
if there are still problems.

Once again thanks!
