Anthony Ching
I am using Access 2007. I have the following coding for updating the password
field of the user table:
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset, Sql As String
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Sql = "UPDATE [User Identification] SET [Password] = '" &
TempVars!NewPassword & "', [Date Last Change] = '" & Now() & "' WHERE [User
ID]= '" & TempVars!CurrentUser & "';"
rst.Open Sql, cn
Set rst = Nothing
The data has been split and reside on a remote server. I have generated the
run-time codes using Access Developer and have Access Run-time on the
machines. However, while this works fine on my development machine (which has
Office 2007), it doesn't work on other machines (with Office 2003) who are
also connected to the server. The error number is "-2147467259" and the error
description is "Operation must be an updateable query". Can someone help.
field of the user table:
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset, Sql As String
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Sql = "UPDATE [User Identification] SET [Password] = '" &
TempVars!NewPassword & "', [Date Last Change] = '" & Now() & "' WHERE [User
ID]= '" & TempVars!CurrentUser & "';"
rst.Open Sql, cn
Set rst = Nothing
The data has been split and reside on a remote server. I have generated the
run-time codes using Access Developer and have Access Run-time on the
machines. However, while this works fine on my development machine (which has
Office 2007), it doesn't work on other machines (with Office 2003) who are
also connected to the server. The error number is "-2147467259" and the error
description is "Operation must be an updateable query". Can someone help.