Using XP SP3, OE 6.00.2900.5512 (XPSP 080413-2105)
When I go to My Computer/tools/folder options/file types/(none) URL hyper
text transfer protocol/advanced/edit/use DDE, and uncheck the box I then
click OK/OK/close, but the box remains checked when I go back to it. The
apply button is grayed out. The same situation applies to URL hyper text
transfer protocol with privacy.
After installing SP3 I found that the only way to get the hyper links in
email messages in OE to work was to uncheck the DDE box. The problem is they
don't stay unchecked. Can someone help me correct this? Thanks.
When I go to My Computer/tools/folder options/file types/(none) URL hyper
text transfer protocol/advanced/edit/use DDE, and uncheck the box I then
click OK/OK/close, but the box remains checked when I go back to it. The
apply button is grayed out. The same situation applies to URL hyper text
transfer protocol with privacy.
After installing SP3 I found that the only way to get the hyper links in
email messages in OE to work was to uncheck the DDE box. The problem is they
don't stay unchecked. Can someone help me correct this? Thanks.