Can't set default Archive file location in Outlook 2007

Jun 25, 2009
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Hey All,

I'm trying to create an automated Office 2007 install that contains several custom settings. I'm doing this using OCT and a custom PRF file for the outlook settings. The only one I can't get to work properly is forcing the location of the archive.pst file. I've found a number of solutions for previous versions of outlook but nothing for 2007. I tried the solution below but that did not work.;en-us;836755

Can anyone help me out?

Figured it out

I'm not sure why adding the information into the PRF file wasn't working for me. While searching the net it seemed to work for most people but I wasn't the only one that it did not work for. I found a rather long work around.

While creating the base image I did the following.

1. As Administrator installed custom office install.
2. Logged in as the dummy user that would be the default profile.
3. Added the following registry keys as needed to complete the path below.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows NT\currentversion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\profiles\outlook\0a0d020000000000c000000000000046]
4. Added the following REG_BINARY values with the data that contained the information for the path that I desired.
5. Restarted and logged back in as Administrator. Copied the dummy user profile to the default profile.
6. Joined the PC to the domain and restarted.
7. Logged in as a domain user and launched Outlook. The registry settings were carried over with my desired path for the default Archive.pst location.

I hope this helps someone else. I spent 2 days figuring this one out.