An invalid character was found in text content. Error processing resource
'file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft AntiSpyware/M...
<StartupFileRegistry ex="1"
path="HLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" val="Cpqset"
dat="C:\Program Files\H...
Can anyone decipher?
Also, I have another scanning program which is self starting. It showed 40
spy problems. What gives, Microsoft? Your program showed everything is fine.
'file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft AntiSpyware/M...
<StartupFileRegistry ex="1"
path="HLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" val="Cpqset"
dat="C:\Program Files\H...
Can anyone decipher?
Also, I have another scanning program which is self starting. It showed 40
spy problems. What gives, Microsoft? Your program showed everything is fine.