I am trying to convert from Outlook ot Windows Mail and I am having problems
sending or receiving my emails. I have a POP3 (whatever that means). I have
the same account with charter (ISP) now then when I was with Outlook. Here
are the two error messages:
Subject 'Test', Account: 'pop.charter.net', Server: 'smtp.charter.net',
Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '250 SIZE 15728640', Port: 25, Secure(SSL):
Yes, Server Error: 250, Error Number: 0x800CCC7D
The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'pop.charter.net', Server:
'pop.charter.net', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error:
10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
sending or receiving my emails. I have a POP3 (whatever that means). I have
the same account with charter (ISP) now then when I was with Outlook. Here
are the two error messages:
Subject 'Test', Account: 'pop.charter.net', Server: 'smtp.charter.net',
Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '250 SIZE 15728640', Port: 25, Secure(SSL):
Yes, Server Error: 250, Error Number: 0x800CCC7D
The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'pop.charter.net', Server:
'pop.charter.net', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error:
10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E