Can't send html email message with

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yossi Naggar
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Yossi Naggar

Hello to everyone,
Does anybody know how to send html formatted messages with
I tried to send such messages with the code below but the content type is wrong.
The content type is multi-part and not html/text as expected.

The code i use is:
mailmsg.To = "(e-mail address removed)"
mailmsg.Subject = "some subject string"
mailmsg.Body = <-- an html format body -->
mailmsg.From = "(e-mail address removed)"
mailmsg.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""
Catch exc As Exception
End Try
Here is what works for me:

Dim MM As New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage
Dim S As String
MM.From = Me.txtFromEmail.Text
MM.To = Me.txtToEmail.Text
MM.Subject = Me.txtSubject.Text
MM.BodyFormat = System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html
S = "<html><head></head><body>"
S = S & "<p></p>"
S = S & Whatever HTML code you need to put for your message
S = S & "</body></html>"
MM.Body = S
System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = Your SMPT server name (the
name of your computer if you are testing on localhost)
Well, your code sure works.
But i encountered another problem: the body of the message (which is
ofcourse an HTML code) is the value of a textarea in my web

If i set the MM.Body as you have done then it's alright, but if i set
MM.Body to be the value of the textarea then i get the message in the
wrong format.

What do you think is the problem?
Well, i am glad to tell you that the problem solved:

The body of my message was set to the value of a textarea control.
The reason why i couldn't see html was the replacement of the
characters "<", ">", " " etc. with the special characters: "&lt;",
"&gt;", "&nbsp;" and so on.

It seems that if you write an HTML code in textarea or other control,
then the .NET replaces the characters: "<", "<", etc. with the special
characteres above.

In order to get rid of those special characters you can do:

MM.Body = replace(MM.Body, "&lt;", "<")
MM.Body = replace(MM.Body, "&gt;", ">")

and so on

BUT: if you want to solve the problem with even more simple way you
can do:

MM.Body = Me.Textarea1.Value.InnerText

This works just fine.
use Server.HTMLEncode to restore your textarea entry or use the
VaildateRequest=false Page attribute. This behavior is new in .NET 1.1 due
to security considerations. Hope this helps.