Can't Send Email To Web Based Email



I've setup an account correctly (followed all directions) its a web based
email account but when I tried sending an email got the following message
(did not try receiving). I had no problem when I set up the account in
Outlook Express;

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Test', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP,
Port: 80, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Any suggestion(s) on correcting this problem


You will probably be setting your receiving through a POP3 account, which you
probably shouldn't have any difficulty with. The couple of things that you
will want to toggle are your advanced settings:

1) Make sure you have the right SMTP port number - I believe default is 25
but I think Yahoo's is 587.

2) Check or uncheck your SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) this is frequently an

3) Check or uncheck your 'server requires authorization' on the servers page

4) If you have a high speed internet provider, you will have to use the SMTP
server that it provides and not your client. For instance, my POP3 is my
Yahoo business acct. However, my SMTP MUST go through Cox:
... because of SPAM and virus issues.

Lastly, make sure that the SMTP address has not been updated since the last
tutorial. Yhis should cover 99% of the issues that you will have.


AKA - Scubatropin

Gary VanderMolen

I believe this pertains to a GoDaddy account. They use a rather ancient server
which is not compatible with Vista's autotuning. Try this procedure:

a. Go to the Vista start menu and type cmd
b. The search results will display a program named cmd.exe
c. Right-click on the link and select "Run as administrator"
d. type "netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled" without
the quotation marks
e. Test your POP account and see if it works now.
f. If no success, re-enable Vista's autotuning feature by typing
"netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=normal"

Gary VanderMolen


You are right about it being a account! I did try what you
suggested but it didn't change matters...same problem. I can "live" without
this setup on my Vista laptop. I can always access the account through the
web or on my XP laptop with Outlook Express....Thanks for yur help!


I just found where my mistake was DUH!... should read
"", I had missed including the word 'out'. Problem

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