Can't send a task request to yourself

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Using OL 2003 Exchange: current version

I've created a joint account to share a large number of Contacts amongst a
small group of people. I would like to set up system using OL2003 such that a
member of the group can double click the contact to bring up the contact
record and then assign a recurring task to themselves, as a reminder, to
follow up on this contact/patient.

I assume this is a fairly common occurance where a salesperson might need to
call on a common customer with regular frequency.

When I set up a New Task For Contact and the person fills in their own name
so they get the reminder -"Assign Task", an error box comes up that says
something like "You can't assign a task to yourself" when I press Send.

Is there a way to turn this off so one can do the assignment to themselves?
Is there a better way to do this overall - maybe I'm looking at this problem

I've tried using delegate method and sharing contact method.

Thank you,
I'm not sure where to look for the "Owner field."

Please let me restate since I probably wasn't clear.

I have a large number of contacts (in this case patients) listed within a
joint/common account. We have a bunch of nurses that need to remind
themselves of actions to be taken, usually on a recurring basis, several
weeks out.

I've set up these common contacts/patients to be "shared" by the nurses and
I've also tried to "delegate" the nurses so they can access the patients. The
best method I came up with is to have the nurses select "New Task for
Contact." Which allows recurrent assignments.

If we change the TO: field from the contact to the nurse (or push the
button) it accepts the nurses name but when we go to send an error box shows
up and says s/he cannot send a task to themselves. To answer your question, I
think the Owner, in this case, is the nurse but the selection of the contact
is in the common account.

If I can change the Owner to the common account name, then maybe the task
can be assigned to the nurse themselves??? Can I send the task to the common
account name and have a rule to send the task back to the nurse when the
recurrance time engages???

I'm not wedded to any particular solution and would appreciate your input.
I've tried "Follow up Flag" but this was for single occurance and I couldn't
figure out how to notify the nurse when the flag time engages. When in the
nurse account and can Followup Flag the contact in the patient contact (after
sharing the contacts), the Flag alert shows up in the common account only.

Thank you very much for your time and thoughts,
I think I need to understand at least these things first:

Do the nurses log on with their own identity or use some common user name?
ie do they each have their own Outlook Mailbx, email address etc?

Where is the Contacts folder you use? In Public folders?? A shared
Mailbox? - show the Folder List in the Navigation Pane (left strip of
Outlook) to see where it is.

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant

read my articles here:
Canberra, Australia

how to post questions:
The nurses each have their own email accounts. The common account can be
thought of as a single separate user account. (I didn't want all the patient
contact names to be in any single nurse's account.)

I have a couple ways of listing the contacts for the nurses to access. I've
tried the delegation and sharing method where the the nurses can open shared
contacts directly under their other contacts in the Nav Pane.

I also have a Public Folder to see if this can solve my dilemma. I can
access the public folder in the Folder List of the Nav Pane. At the moment I
can't seem to see information in this public folder and I'm working with the
system people and I am the owner of the account.

In case I wasn't clear about the location the PF Contacts would be listed in
the Public Folder which is listed under Public Folders | Favorites and also
All Public Folders directly below.

I am using version 2007 and when I open a Contact, find the Assign Task
button, it creates a Task for me (I am the owner) and I can make it

How are you creating the Task? Does your method create a Task with the
Contact in a To... field? Or do you see their name ONLY in the Contacts
field at the bottom left corner?

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant

read my articles here:
Canberra, Australia

how to post questions: