Can't select multiple files + columns problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Markitar
  • Start date Start date



Using Vista Home Premium,

1) New to Vista (1 month) and am unable to select more than one file at a
time. The click>shift>click last one does not work. The Ctrl>click each
one does not work. Attempting to select via a drag window does not work. I
have gone through the help files and am given only these choices. I have
tried many Folder Options choices and nothing seems to work.

2) Additionally, I like to see the details view, but each time I open a
folder I get the annoying "Date Taken," "Tags," "Rating," columns. I've
changed the many available columns chooser, applying to all folders, but to
no avail...these columns keep coming back.

I only want to see "File Name," "Type," "Size" and "Date Modified" details.

Any help out there?

Thank you!
Markitar said:

Using Vista Home Premium,

1) New to Vista (1 month) and am unable to select more than one file at
a time. The click>shift>click last one does not work. The Ctrl>click
each one does not work. Attempting to select via a drag window does not
work. I have gone through the help files and am given only these
choices. I have tried many Folder Options choices and nothing seems to

2) Additionally, I like to see the details view, but each time I open a
folder I get the annoying "Date Taken," "Tags," "Rating," columns. I've
changed the many available columns chooser, applying to all folders, but
to no avail...these columns keep coming back.

I only want to see "File Name," "Type," "Size" and "Date Modified" details.

I can't help you with your second question, but here's the answer to the
first one:

From MVP Keith Miller regarding the inability to select multiple files:
"It's a quirk of Explorer that's been showing up on some people's
machines. No known cause yet, but it gets saved with folder views once
it happens. I've written a script that helps MOST people with the
multi-select problem. It will remove single-select from saved folder
views & saved defaults. Right-click the link below & select 'Save Target
As..." -

Then extract the contents of the .zip file & run the script."

I'm having these exact two problems on my Windows Vista Business on Sony Vaio
(both brand new). I've updated everythig I can. It's INCREDIBLE FRUSTRATING.

I used the script that was created by MVP Keith Miller and it did fix the
multi-select problem (your #1). But the Details List view for Windows
Explorer refuses to remember what I want. It ALWAYS reverts back to general
(narrow) column widths and the same column headings, no matter what changes I
make and try save. Coincidentally, the top user folder (the folder with my
name that holds the Documents folders and others) only shows up in large
icons no matter what I do.

Anybody got a fix for this yet? Thanks all for great during Microsoft's
silence on this.
Thanks Shawn, I tried the Method #2 in the link you provided. Doesn't seem
to have changed how Vista is acting.

Sorry, can you please repost without the Caps lock on? It's so hard to read
for those old eyes... :)

ShamsherNawaz said:
Sorry, I don't know how do you get these capital latters. Because I
posted it in proper format. Just I used the font "Comic Sans MS". But
anyway now I changed it in a standard font.

That's why the rest of us got capital letters the first time and not this
time. You're posting from one of those "web forums" that aren't really
forums at all - they are websites that scrape Usenet postings. Maybe that
forum interface supports fancy fonts, but most of the rest of us use a real
newsreader to access these groups and your fancy font doesn't come across.
Plain capital letters apparently got substituted for both Malu Menezes and
me, and I'm 99% sure s/he and I are running different operating systems and

Just in case you're interested, here's information about Usenet and how to
access newsgroups directly (very easy to do if you want to try it):

Since you are using a web interface, you may not realize that this is really
a newsgroup. You will get far more out of this resource if you learn to use
a newsreader. There are many good newsreaders for Windows, but you can use
Outlook Express (XP) or Windows Mail (Vista) since you already have it.
Here are some links to information about newsgroups:

About Usenet: - Usenet FAQs from the Internet FAQ Archives - a brief explanation
of newsgroups

Outlook Express/Windows Mail as Newsreader:

How to Post: - How to Ask a Question - How Not to Get Technical Help on
Usenet - list of MS newsgroups - MS group to test if your newsreader is working
properly - how to munge email address - crossposting - multiposting

Other Newsreaders for Windows: - Forte - Thunderbird
