I having problems with getting right data. I need to get
records that are equal in another table. But one of the
tables has +++, * Characters, which in that table are wild
cards. So what I did was I created two queries usign
leftpart function. Here are my two queries:
Query1 Prefixes Query2 Prefixes
Part8 Part8Character
Part7 Part7Character
Part6 Part6Character
Part5 Part5Character
Part4 Part4character
Part3 Part3 character.
I tried to create another query and drag the Part8 to the
Part8character and select Include all records from query1
and only those records from Queyry2 where fields are
equal.When I do it for one, it seems to work but when I
add all of them it doesn't. Hope I'm exlaining it right.
Please review and advise any help.
Thank you,
I having problems with getting right data. I need to get
records that are equal in another table. But one of the
tables has +++, * Characters, which in that table are wild
cards. So what I did was I created two queries usign
leftpart function. Here are my two queries:
Query1 Prefixes Query2 Prefixes
Part8 Part8Character
Part7 Part7Character
Part6 Part6Character
Part5 Part5Character
Part4 Part4character
Part3 Part3 character.
I tried to create another query and drag the Part8 to the
Part8character and select Include all records from query1
and only those records from Queyry2 where fields are
equal.When I do it for one, it seems to work but when I
add all of them it doesn't. Hope I'm exlaining it right.
Please review and advise any help.
Thank you,