Were you the only one who updated from Outlook 2000 to Outlook 2003?
Have you tried to re-add the viewing of the other persons calendars?
Try going to File --> Open --> Other User's Folder -- Type in the Name of
the other person in the Name _____ field and then change the Inbox field to
If you are unable to open the calendar, then you do not have permissions and
you need to ask the person you are trying to view to re-add you to give you
permissions to view the calendar, if you are able to view the other persons
calendar, then you must check your own settings when trying to make an
appointment, verify if the person you are trying to check is using Outlook
2000 or Outlook 2003.
Please let me know how this information helped, and if it didn't I can try
testing it here with Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2003 on 2 seperate computers.