According to the help file in RC1, "Aero" is a selectable color scheme. It
does not appear in the list. And there is no "transparency" checkbox on that
dialog either.
The machine is fully Aero compatible. The question is, why does Aero not
show up, and how do I enable it? Here is what the help file says, but as
mentioned, those options do not appear:
To change the color scheme to Windows Vista Aero
Click to open Appearance Settings.
In the Color scheme list, select Windows Vista Aero, and then click OK.
To turn on window frame transparency
To turn on window frame transparency, the color scheme must first be set to
Windows Vista Aero.
Click the Start button , click Control Panel, click Appearance and
Personalization, click Personalization, and then click Window Color and
Select the Enable transparency check box so that it is checked.
If you see the Appearance Settings dialog box instead of the Change your
color scheme window, the theme might not be set to Windows Vista, the color
scheme might not be set to Windows Vista Aero, or the computer might not meet
the minimum hardware requirements for running Windows Aero.