Al in Dallas
It changes the time from PM to AM. This doesn't do me any
good because my computer is off in the middle of the
night and I wanted it to run during lunch. I finally set
it to start at 11:59 AM. We'll see if that works.
By the way, why isn't software able to handle 12 Noon
meaning the 12:00 in the middle of the day and 12
Midnight meaning the 12:00 in the middle of the night?
Sorry, just a per peeve of mine.
good because my computer is off in the middle of the
night and I wanted it to run during lunch. I finally set
it to start at 11:59 AM. We'll see if that works.
By the way, why isn't software able to handle 12 Noon
meaning the 12:00 in the middle of the day and 12
Midnight meaning the 12:00 in the middle of the night?
Sorry, just a per peeve of mine.