Can't schedule scans from 12:00 PM to 12:59 PM

  • Thread starter Thread starter Al in Dallas
  • Start date Start date

Al in Dallas

It changes the time from PM to AM. This doesn't do me any
good because my computer is off in the middle of the
night and I wanted it to run during lunch. I finally set
it to start at 11:59 AM. We'll see if that works.

By the way, why isn't software able to handle 12 Noon
meaning the 12:00 in the middle of the day and 12
Midnight meaning the 12:00 in the middle of the night?
Sorry, just a per peeve of mine.

Thanks for testing the beta and providing feedback. I am filing a bug on
this issue.

Thanks again!

Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security


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If you schedule a scan for 12:01 AM it displays as 0:1
AM. Minutes should always be 2 digits with leading zero
if necessary. If you schedule for 12:09 PM it displays
as 12:09 AM. Maybe the schedule is OK and display is
wrong. Too late today to check, except in Hawaii.

Another oddity: if you disable schedule (and update), and
then try unchecking disable schedule, you have to update
before it allows you to set the day or time.